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  1. Is it possible to make use of the flap & spoilers inside the Mk2 Cockpit (inline) or are they just for aesthetics?
  2. I couldn't load the crafts due to missing parts. I have screenshots but for some reason, I'm unable to "inset image from URL". "Craft ExplorationRover_Mk1 was not loaded because it had the following parts missing: restock-wheel-4" My SSTOs were such an eyesore with the white Clamp-O-Tron. In the end, I figured out how to do it. It's pretty easy when the instructions are more clear. Thanks for your feedback mate.
  3. Done found a post on reddit with clear instructions on how, and which lines of code need to be altered. I can finally go back to building and exploring.
  4. ReStock was the issue. I saw a post by @Manwith Noname with a link to the ReStock wiki, but I can't figure out how to enable/disable this part only. I've attempted to do it myself but to no avail. I was tempted to scrap ReStock, but I would lose too many crafts because of it and it's not worth it for just the Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron. I would be very grateful if someone had the patience to give me better instructions on how to do it, as my coding skills are 0 out of 10 XD.
  5. Whats the best way to troubleshoot this? Or do i have to uninstall mods one by one till i find the issue?
  6. The only other mod that handles textures is restock. Could that be the issue?
  7. I can change the colours of all other MK2 parts except for the Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron.
  8. Firstly, a big thanks goes to everyone working on these mods. You are very much appreciated. Is it possible to recolour the Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron? If yes, what do i need to do to make it work. Thanks in advance
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