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Everything posted by Bobbejans

  1. i am not a person to use planet mods but this looks mod good keep up the great work
  2. is this a good station for LKO it should have 500T of fuel
  3. ok thanks for the ideas i was not able to answer for a while because of life and stuff
  4. thanks for the ideas i will try an do some but not right now cause i have family and stuff to do
  5. I went to laythe with a plane and a satellite
  6. yes but it was also pain because I attached the decoupler the wrong way so i had to break it to get rid of it
  7. i took a rover to eve here are some screenshots you could ask any questions about the mission
  8. no it is completely unmanned so it only has a connection during the day by a relay satellite in a elliptical eve orbit
  9. The plane did not make it back because it only has propellors
  10. it is a little probe controlled propellor VTOL plane
  11. my mission consisted of a plane and a satellite
  12. just a quick question why is TURD not on ckan i have it downloaded but just wondering?
  13. can i get a picture from the left or right side of the craft? maybe the rear wheels are to far back.
  14. this is my first post hope you like it
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