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  1. Pair this with Kerbal Construction Time for the worlds longest career mode playthrough
  2. I was about to teach myself how to make my own planet pack at 2.7x scale with 32k textures purely because I noticed this issue lol Thank you so much for making this!!
  3. Considering that Badgekat has not responded to this yet, I figured I'd pitch in. ReasearchBodies adds an observatory building next to the tracking station, which I expect would conflict with some buildings at the KSC atm..
  4. So I've noticed that the Saturn V pad at the KSC interferes with MLP's rotating service structure for the space shuttle. It looks like the hinge section collides with the launch pad, which I assume might be caused by your invisible spawn workaround? It's such a shame, considering how well the two play together otherwise! Edit: On further experimentation, this seems to be an issue with the launchpad itself interacting with the part (not anything to do with your setup), I'll mention it to the Tundra Space Center folk.. Sorry for the scare lol
  5. Not sure if anyone else has found this, but I think I found a solution for the rotating adapters being unable to move attached parts. It is indeed Kerbal Joint Reinforcement causing this, if you switch to KJR Next then the issue goes away!
  6. You know.. Looking at other configs probably should have been the first thing to check tbh. Thanks for the idea! Not sure if the SSTURecolourGUI question is aimed at me, but I figured I'd throw my two cents in. Considering that TURD (to my limited knowledge anyway) doesn't add much beyond recolor masks, texture sets, and preset colors, I'd assume it's a built in feature of TU. I've never really seen any other mod make use of the gui though or even TU making use of the gui now that I think of it..
  7. I'd love to see an example of how to get this to work for parts with texture variants if you are not already planning to do so! This tutorial mixed with the TU documentation is so helpful, thanks so much for making it
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