I seem to have kept an old installation around for debugging (kRPC_old2), my apologies for the confusion. I deleted that folder, re-ran KSP, and added a dockingPortJr on which to place the onboard camera, but right clicking on the camera still did not reveal any options to enable its feed. One question I had was whether the "Onboard camera", which can be found in the "Command and Control" section of the left side panel, is the same as the Docking Cam? If not, how do you search for and enable the Docking Cam? I have the updated log file for reference (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jQI1eBZ6mI1mFx3uhx9D3eC5gB2okVxR/view?usp=sharing) as well as a screenshot of what Onboard Camera I'm using (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sdTLo8KIETTe9h0let0Y6gpeyGuzl73b/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106542521776206048566&rtpof=true&sd=true)