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  1. @RileyHef if you do work on something similar keep me updated! i totally agree with your comment about scale, and would love to see something like this in game (and maybe even for restock). while im not well versed with ksp modding, ive been a 3d modeller for a while and have years of experience with blender. the process of editing the model within blender seems pretty straight forward, but if you need any assistance id be happy to help. either way, if you do peruse this, good luck!
  2. hey, sorry if ive missed something, but i was wondering if you have a solution or are aware of a rendering bug where this grey model shows on all capsules where the hatch is https://imgur.com/a/86hK2S3 im also getting the error "transparent pod obstructed" on the bottom capsule, even when it is on its own as its own single part craft. any help would be greatly appreciated (edit: i managed to get it unobstructed, but now when the transparent part option is selected just shows the regular interior overlay
  3. After finally getting back to ksp 1 and realising that after installing a whole bunch of graphics mods it honestly looks better than ksp 2 (imo) which is the one thing ksp 2 had going for it, I still missed the transparent windows that some of the capsules had. I've had a look for mods that could replicate this. I am aware of a mod called JSI advanced transparent pods, but I'm not entirely sure of how to use it to achieve the effect I'm looking for. Many people have made threads looking for the same thing in the past, and JSI is the only suggestion I've seen. I know the mod itself doesn't achieve transparent windows, but it provides some sort of framework? Besides that I'm out of my depth. I'm not really a mod developer so I'm not sure if I need some sort of add-on to get it to achieve the window effect? Or are there any other mods to achieve transparent windows on stock pods (or modded such as restock) akin to ksp2. The internal IVA view has been a feature since 1.1, so it seems like limiting that to just the windows should be possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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