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  1. Hey, controlling MechJeb with KOS is not very straight forward. I used an old version of Mechjeb and linked actionsgroups to the controls of the mechjeb part. As far as I am aware there is no better or full connection between KOS and Mechjeb. Also I think to do this with KOS you would need at least some coding experience and some time to get used to KOS, but there are good tutorials online for both, if you have the time. I think I saw once that mechjeb itself also has some sort of visual programming tool, maybe you could check that out as well.
  2. Yep, one option would be to write own code for that, but the easier option would be to integrate the Mechjeb rendevouz and docking features. I did the same for parts of the ascent to save a bit of work.
  3. Yes, this would be pretty easy to do with this script. You can see in the gameplay footage that the Ship has a lot of fuel left in Orbit that is just dumped before reentry. It would be relatively easy to modify the script to dock with a station in orbit and transfer some propellant. As the propellant is produced with ore on the surface it would even be free.
  4. Too long, I guess at least somewhere over 100hrs. Is startet round about two months ago.
  5. Hey, none that I'm aware of. I used Stock Waterfall Effects though. I'm not sure if it maybe also changes some sounds.
  6. Hey everybody, this is my first post here in the forum, but I'm not that new to KSP (2000hrs+). In the last time I've been working on something I considered worth sharing here. I set out to write code with Kos to do a automated Starship Booster landing and then things got a little out of hand. Well, now I have code that can do a Booster Landing and a Starship Reentry+Landing. Also the ship can be catched by a small catcher and is restacked and refueld on top of the Booster. It was also important to me that the Starship is really controlled by the flaps and not just with RCS and reactionwheels. For the end of this project I tried to record a view videos (with my limited editing and recording skills) of the whole system (I attached the links below). Sorry if the videos are a little laggy sometimes, my PC was dying managing that part count with the cloud mod in 4K. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for this craft or if you want to know more about it. Cheers! PS: I will upload the stock craft file after I find out where to do that Mods: Control: KOs Mechjeb (for parts of the ascent) Trajectories Visuals: The amazing cloud mod from Blackrack Camera tools Hulcam Parallax Stock Waterfall Effects Parts: Kerbal Reusability Expansion (used for the gridfins. It would be possible to use airbrakes or stock grid fins to make the craft fully stock, but that would not look as good ;))
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