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Posts posted by Royale37


    7 hours ago, PT said:

    Airplane parts are Mark IV parts from https://spacedock.info/mod/809/Mark IV Spaceplane System with mix of parts from other Nertea's mods, and a sprinkle of DMagic science parts.

    Fuel section is from some non-stock big rockets, also Near Future stuff I believe, as MkIV tanks have heck lot of more dry mass than rocket parts (but can hold fuel and monoprop in single part, which is convenient).

    All of Nertea stuff has its place in Community Tech Tree, as they share author if I am not mistaken.

    Thanks - I will grab this right away!

  2. So today in KSP1, I landed my second manned mission to the Mun (on this save) with 3 Kerbals. (The first landing was just Jeb grabbing some extra science.) Here is the craft I used, called new Possibilities I.


    It's not pretty, but It'll get the crew where they need to go. I wasn't able to do an Apollo style mission due to my craft being too heavy for the launchpad, but this is fine. 

    There are 2 purposes for the mission:

    1. Gain new science on the Mun.

    2. Find out what happened to the unmanned New Possibilities lander after it lost communication with the KSC.

    Here is New Possibilities I going into LKO:


    Lifting off the launchpad at KSC.


    Jeb:"Hey, I can see my house from up here!"


    Getting ready to stage.




    Adjusting orbit.


    Munar Insertion burn.


    Mun landing point - we didn't have enough supplies to land at the previous lander's landing zone.






    Jeb and Val take a photo (bill stayed on the ship)

    Return and reentry tomorrow!

  3. Hello,

    I have heavily modded ksp through CKAN, with RSS/RO/RP-1 and lots of other mods. One of the mods I installed is Tundra Exploration, which is supposed to add Space-X style parts. This is my first time playing RSS, so I decided to try sandbox just to learn how to use the new parts before I commit to a career game. The problem is, the parts won't show up  in the categories in the VAB or SPH. If I press the arrow to enter advanced mode, I see a category called "Tundra Exploration," but if I click on it there are no parts. Additionally, there are no robotics parts from the breaking ground DLC, which I own, under the robotics category.

    One thing that may be important to note is that Sigma Binary was installed as a dependency of one of the mods (I don't know which) but when I launched KSP it gave me an error saying that Sigma Binary needed some Kopernicus.Components thing to be able to work. I couldn't find anything named that on CKAN. Also, if I ignored that, RSS wouldn't load, with Kopernicus saying that it failed to load the custom planets because of an exception in the loading process. After scrolling on the forums for a long time, I just deleted Sigma Binary and both issues went away.

    Are the parts supposed to not show up, the robotics parts at least? Are they not showing up because Sigma Binary was a dependancy? This makes me question if parts from my other mods are not showing up.

    I am not very experienced with this stuff, so any help is appreciated.


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