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  1. Unfortunately I never thought it would become ann ssto and didn't capture the accent
  2. yes, it did try to slide off the runway. Thanks for the hints!
  3. Sending a rover there as I forgot to bring ladders
  4. https://imgur.com/a/2kmeNt4 hopefully i can return to Kerbin
  5. the srb doesn't stop having plume even when out of solid fuel?
  6. i some how didn't do any gravity assist even only with 2300m/s dv on surface lol,forgot to bring parachute tho XD
  7. https://imgur.com/a/XMowLNz Returning from Vall with 200 m/s dv left https://imgur.com/a/pIxwMKS Forgot to put a parachute so I launched and rendezvoused a probe carrying parachutes to the command pod after circularizing in elliptical orbit with EVA pack, Bill attached the parachutes onto the pod, then deorbited with the EVA pack. https://imgur.com/a/7Hz8Bxs
  8. Nevermind, I might get to Kerbin by aero-braking https://imgur.com/a/86kUuye
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