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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. Brilliant project ... ! I wonder how much Delta-V it would take to reach orbit from the surface of the new Tylo on steroïds. 11.000-13.000 m/s ... ?
  2. Some people seem to think Squad is heading south, but I think the soup isn't eaten as hot as it is served. While I'm not too thrilled about the priority given to Multiplayer over Resources either, the increasing quality of some mods can counteract the lack of some features. For me at least. I'm still confident the devs know what they're doing and the organisation Squad itself isn't adrift currently.
  3. Why didn't I saw this thread earlier ... ? Awesome project, I'll download this mod with great enthusiasm. And to think I was a radical purist until recently.
  4. Seems like a decent update. Not that spectacular as .17 or .18, but especially the optimalization is a good thing.
  5. I've fabricated a small and ugly SSTO, the Harpy. Made of 25 parts and weighs nearly 6 tons, features two air intakes, one turbojet and 4 small lateral engines. It can reach a stable LKO in 5-6 minutes and is able to fly in the thin Dunian atmosphere. Transfer to and from Duna was with help of a nuclear propulsion module however.
  6. Went to Dres after a mission to Duna. I had a lander but its nothing more than a capsule now, docked to an interplanetary propulsion module which I had to use for landing. Getting back into the capsule is a bit tricky now; Bob took off a solar panel during one of his attempts.
  7. Nice. I'm looking forward to release of the code to create an additional planet. Already got something in mind: Name: Grotesque Location: 120-140 million km orbit around Kerbol Radius: 900 km (1800 km diameter) Gravity: 1,9 G Atmosphere: up to 1,3 bar Landscape: equatorial mountains and some icey deposits mostly around the poles
  8. En route to Dres after a stay on Duna in a rover. Its been around 110 days after launch on Kerbin.
  9. Btw, would be nice to have the updated planets re-arranged like this: Minmus: relocation to current position of Tylo around Jool Tylo: relocation to slightly inclinated orbit (120-125 million km) around the sun. Enlargement with steep mountains and atmosphere would spice it up indeed. Eeloo: somewhat eccentric orbit around Tylo and with very thin amosphere (max 0,05 ATM)
  10. Nova, gotta say I really dig the 'redone' versions of Ike and Tylo. I'm wondering how Tylo would 'handle' with 4G and 0,5 Atmosphere. Would probably require a grotesque abomination of a lander to even land on the surface of this beast. Also, the update of Ike would also be a very good thing; the contrast between the recently updated Duna and the old 0.17-ish Ike is rather big these days.
  11. So if I understand correctly, those SABRE's are especially useful on SSTO-planes ... ?
  12. Just started in my save: Operation Dunarmada. A small armada of manned and unmanned vessels headed for Duna. 1: a lander with rover attached. Crewmembers are Jeb, Bob and Bill. 2: unmanned rover destined to land on one of the poles. 3: small SSTO plane with Hansted Kerman as pilot. 4: ship with extra fuel-tank There's probably enough fuel in this operation to expand the mission to Ike and perhaps even Dres. The Jool System could be a one-way destination.
  13. Gotta say landing a plane on Duna is extremely difficult. The craft handles like a whale and the terrain is somewhat uneven ... ! Managed to land anyway after hovering minutes close above the ground, looking for a good oppertunity to land.
  14. The mountains on Kerbin form a stunning but hazardous environment for flying planes ... !
  15. After the first succesful mission, a manned rover had to be developed to extend the possibilities of surface exploration for Kerbonauts on other planets and moons. It didn't took very long to fabricate a reliable and stable rover; the Hermes Rover. Top speed on Kerbin is 20 m/s and is hard to flip over. It is able to climb somewhat steep slopes with acceptable speed. It is to be seen how the rover will function in lower gravity environments ... !
  16. He vanished yesterday together with Bill and Bob while en route to the Jool System. The screen went black and once back in the tracking station, the ship was gone without a trace. The three are listed in the Astronaut Complex as: missing in action ... !
  17. Its a bittercold night in the arctic mountains ...
  18. The three crewman have returned from a rather succesful maiden voyage with their lander. Its proven this lander is certainly able to handle interplanetary missions, within certain limits ofcourse. After the first landing on the Mun, the lander performed a sub-orbital hop and landed around 150 km to the northeast. Landscape wasn't very impressing over there, so the crew decided to head for Minmus by slingshotting around Kerbin. A trip of several days but with low fuel consumption. The crew expressed their gratitude to the economical propulsion module by ditching it onto Minmus. Two landings (suborbital hop) were carried out onto the little moon. After that, Jeb, Bob and Bill decided to return home and re-entered the atmosphere about 1 week after liftoff. The landing was a little rough and the lander turned into a pile of junk. But the crew expressed their enthousiasm about the Euryale lander and urged the KSC to proceed using this ship for future endeavours.
  19. That looks rather nice ... ! I see the lander also provides propulsion for the entire combination? Don't know if my Euryale Lander could 'handle' Laythe. Perhaps with an extra fuel-tank docked underneath it. Tylo and Eve are most probably out of the question ... !
  20. Well, for missions within SOI of Kerbin it is indeed somewhat overbuilt, but I'm confident the combination can indeed do a return mission to Duna and reach the Jool system. It is designed to be a 'one-size-fits-(almost)all' craft. When Duna and Jool are aligned, I'll send this relative leightweight combination (around 44-45 t) unchanged to these destinations.
  21. My previous post went down the drain somehow. Here's for another attempt: The KSC has developed some capable and reliable spacecraft in a rather short timespan: -lander (named 'Euryale') -propulsion module (named 'Euryale Module') -launcher (dubbed 'Lahkesis') Jebediah, Bob and Bill are currently performing the first mission with these newly designed spacecraft, destination is the Mun and probably also Minmus. A short summary of the mission so far below with some visuals: Launch of the Euryale Lander with the three crewman already onboard. The Lahkesis was used as launcher. Around 50 km height the fairings were discarded and the lander exposed to the vastness of space. Around 10 minutes after the launch of the lander, the Euryale Module left the launchpad. Once again with the Lahkesis Launcher. Just one (ingame) hour after launching the first vessel, the lander docked with the module and the green light was given for departure to the Mun. Insertion into the Munar SOI was a bit fuel-inefficient due to ackward timing, but a stable and somewhat circular orbit (50-55 km) was achieved 12 hours after first liftoff. The lander separates from the module. A bit like Apollo, but yet different. And now Jeb, Bill and Bob have landed succesfully in a crater near the equator of the Mun. A flag has been planted and the composition of surface rocks investigated, but the R&D facility seems to be closed. The lander has plenty of fuel left and this landing won't be the only for sure. To be continued ...
  22. The KSC has finally received a new GPU and is planning a space program that relies on rather small/modest spacecraft. This path in space exploration has been chosen due to these advantages: -quick preparation possible for missions -better handling -lower fuel consumption Development for a reliable lander and launcher has already started and the first test-flight was recently carried out: The first prototype rocket seconds after liftoff. The launcher proved to be inadequate as a stable orbit wasn't achieved. However, the lander did pass the test and is now in production. It seems the landing legs might have some difficulty supporting the mass of the lander in high gravity, but that'll be no problem on smaller celestial objects. More to come soon ... !
  23. -Visual improvements for the Joolian moons and Eeloo, like the devs already did with the bodies in the inner Kerbol system -Clouds (there is already a very decent cloud-mod released)
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