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  1. Thank you! Thank you! pretty sure im not going through but it works great with RPM
  2. Hi! The standard DE_IVA + RPM monitors mention KSP Internet Relay Chat. To use this, it says to download your fork of KSPIRC, though from my findings, you don't own any branches of the project. Am I missing something or has KSPIRC support been cut or? Not sure.
  3. Hey guys! I want to put a part in game, but am not sure how to make it reliant on another mod to work. For example, installing Extraplanetary Launchpads on its own doesn't show the Planetary Base EL parts, but installing both does show. Here's the beginning of the config file for the K&K Smelter: PART:NEEDS[Launchpad] { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // A storage for rocket parts MODEL { model = PlanetaryBaseInc/ModSupport/Parts/Extraplanetary Launchpads/Smelter } // --- general parameters --- name = KKAOSS_Smelter module = Part author = Nils277 (pretty sure the end isn't relevant) I suspect it has something to do with the 'PART:NEEDS[Launchpad]' bit, but it isn't clear why the piece in the brackets is Launchpad instead of the name of the mod in GameData (ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads). I do want the dependency mod to be Extraplanetary Launchpads though, so if there's no place where this tag can usually be found, I can still do what I want. EDIT: I have since found where. It's the mod plugin name, which can usually be found under GameData\{ModName}\Plugins\{PluginName}.dll
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