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  1. Can confirm this is an issue with deferred.
  2. Here's my KSP with no TUFX for confirmation. https://imgur.com/a/g6Qn4WJ Any other info required just ask.
  3. I have found a workaround for the time being by using the stock model for this part. I'll describe the process here for anyone who needs it. Go into "GameData\Restock" and open the file called "Restock.restockblacklist". Edit the file to remove this line "Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/". Create a new document in the same directory called "Restock.restockwhitelist" and put "Squad/Parts/Utility/launchClamp1/" in there. From there, navigate to "GameData\ReStock\Patches\Structural" and edit the filename "restock-structural-launchclamp.cfg" to "restock-structural-launchclamp.cfgdisable". There is probably an easier way of doing this but for now this works.
  4. Hi, wondering if anyone can explain why the trusses on the TT18-A launch stability enhancer are missing? This happens in the VAB consistently and on the launchpad occasionally. Seems to happen irrespective of what other mods are installed. https://imgur.com/a/yYNvLM3
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