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Conservation of energy

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  1. I have always wanted to make an empty docking part, hoping someone can tell me how to make one
  2. Hello, I'm having issues with your mod. I installed the latest versions of Tundra's Space Center and Kerbal Konstructs using CKAN, but Kerbal Konstructs is not showing launch stands or platforms in-game. Can you help me?
  3. I am struggling with the issue of getting Realism Overhaul to work properly with my cfg files, so that the attributes I set in the files, such as maxtemp=4000, are actually reflected in-game. Despite setting the temperature to 4000 Kelvin in the cfg file, the in-game temperature is still displayed as 1073 Kelvin, which is frustrating. I hope someone who understands this can help me.
  4. Hello, I need your help. Could you please tell me how to write the configuration file for the Realism Overhaul mod? Or a documentation would also be helpful.
  5. Hello, I have a question. How do I upload my mod to SpaceDock? If anyone can help me with this request, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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