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Everything posted by KopaZ

  1. V 1.0.1 Clearly, I havent gave much thought to SOI values. After *actually* trying to make a mission ive realized the SOI windows are too narrow sphereOfInfluence = 10000000 //10000Km - from 500km (for all planetary-satellite lagrange) sphereOfInfluence = 1000000000 //1000000Km - From 2000km (for all sun-planetary lagrange)
  2. legit best mod ever, this mod makes dealing with ~70 active crews so much better (especially on large ships). THANK YOU FOR THE MOD!!!
  3. Yes, github link: dongk99/LagrangeProjectRSS: Adding Lagrange point to RSS (Real Solar System) Mod in KSP using patched conics logic.
  4. I would expect that it would get a bit more customers since RSS + Principia is just a disaster for game crashes. it made my 9800x3d crash game couple time with high partcount crafts... Anyways, thank you for the work. it gave me quite the inspiration
  5. I'll focus on creating lagrange points for rest of the solar system and most likely do OPM (if LucalisIndustries isnt doing it already, that is) I'll figure out if you can create custom icons, but some people already suggested it's cluttery and I actually ended up reducing transparency & icon of the points to blend in better (while being selectable) LagrangeProject - RSS - KSP1 Mod Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums
  6. Essentially fork of But for RSS. Do you want to play RSS, have Lagrange points, but without principia (eating your sim time)? Here's your answer. Github: dongk99/LagrangeProjectRSS: Adding Lagrange point to RSS (Real Solar System) Mod in KSP using patched conics logic. Version 1.0: Has L1/L2 point for Earth-Moon, Sol-Earth, and Sol-Mars. Since it uses conic patch (i.e. SOI change), your orbit will NOT decay out of lagrange. that's the only downside (or, upside, if you have micromanaging). Currently doing a pull request to CKAN. (For nerds) Adds Lagrange point to RSS (Real Solar System) Mod in KSP using patched conics logic. KSP, By default, does not allow Lagrange points (without use of principia); This is simply due to orbital mechanics 101/Kepler's law interacting with conic patch's way of doing SOI (i.e. two-body physics) However, you can change the orbital period of bodies by modifying configurations using the period = setting under Orbit. This allows for customized orbital periods. By changing the semi-major axis to the desired Lagrange point location and inheriting eccentricity, inclination, mean anomaly, ascending node, and argument of periapsis from the parent planet, you can create stable Lagrange points. By Tidal locking the lagrange point, you can find good estimate of their orbital period which will give one a good estimate on fine-tuning lagrange points. Due to KSP's built-in rotation period only showing down to hours/minutes, Further accuracy adjustment requires finetuning by hand via manually adjusting orbital period of lagranges. (Please let me know if there's a way to see orbital period of planets and moons) Currently, SOIs are set to 500km for moon(s)/2000km for Planets.
  7. @Kopernicus:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem]{ Body { name = E-M L1 finalizeOrbit = false cacheFile = RSS-Configs/Cache/03-02_Earth-Moon_L1.bin Template { name = Mun removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { description = Earth-Moon Lagrange point 1 radius = 5000 gravParameter = 1.9028000661637961e+7 solarRotationPeriod = False sphereOfInfluence = 500000 //500Km tidallyLocked = true initialRotation = 0 } Orbit { referenceBody = Earth period = 2370996.7053999 semiMajorAxis = 3.2639E+8 eccentricity = 0.05328149353682574 inclination = 28.36267790798491 meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 222.7012350930954 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 2.296616161126016 argumentOfPeriapsis = 199.7640930160823 } } } @Kopernicus:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem]{ Body { name = E-M L2 finalizeOrbit = false cacheFile = RSS-Configs/Cache/03-03_Earth-Moon_L2.bin Template { name = Mun removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { description = Earth-Moon Lagrange point 2 radius = 5000 gravParameter = 1.9028000661637961e+7 solarRotationPeriod = False sphereOfInfluence = 500000 //500Km tidallyLocked = true initialRotation = 0 } Orbit { referenceBody = Earth period = 2370996.7053999 semiMajorAxis = 4.489E+8 eccentricity = 0.05328149353682574 inclination = 28.36267790798491 meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 222.7012350930954 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 2.296616161126016 argumentOfPeriapsis = 199.7640930160823 } } } No visible decay/orbit shift after ~100 years. seems safeish to use for most normal gameplay unless people like to play into ~10000 years. Moving onto other lagrange points now (mainly planetoids and not moons). This should be easier since orbital periods are much longer so inaccuracy stemming from low precision should be nullified (Edit: changed lagrange name to from both being 1 to 1 and 2. sorry for whomever having to approve my posts)
  8. Found solution. You need to change mass on config to grav property. Reduced grav parameter should allow you to land without issues. (though it would be fun landing on a moon with 5000m radius) Need further research on precision; found out that after ~50yrs there is noticeable orbital decay. but for most gameplays, even with deviancy, it should not be gamebreaking. Precision issue is mainly due to calculating ratio of orbital period using orbital period shown on ksp side (only goes down to minutes and not seconds). if I can get it down to seconds that should stabilize orbit for more or less indefinitely (hundreds of years, probably, if not thousands). Imgur link attached (has unnatural ASL gravity. has been toned down to ~0.02g) @Kopernicus:NEEDS[RealSolarSystem]{ Body { name = E-M L1 finalizeOrbit = false cacheFile = RSS-Configs/Cache/03-02_Earth-Moon_L1.bin Template { name = Mun removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { description = Earth-Moon Lagrange point 1 radius = 5000 gravParameter = 4.9028000661637961e+6 solarRotationPeriod = False sphereOfInfluence = 500000 //500Km tidallyLocked = true initialRotation = 0 } Orbit { referenceBody = Earth period = 2370964.7054999 SemiMajorAxis = 3.2639E+8 eccentricity = 0.05328149353682574 inclination = 28.36267790798491 meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 222.7012350930954 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 2.296616161126016 argumentOfPeriapsis = 199.7640930160823 } } }
  9. Currently attempting to create profile for RSS. Simply copy-pasting Lunar data does not work. Had to change argument of periarpsis to make it in line with luna. Somehow results in a drift issue. Dialing up orbital period to counteract drift issue results in... very interesting lunar orbits.
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