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  1. Is There any kind of alternative ways to balance procedural tanks for people who want to use any size of procedural tanks but still want a balance? Would making it so that the large it is the more it cost funds? Would be nice if there was a way to implement the tooling function of RP-1 into stock career mode
  2. Logs Modlist Steps To Reproduce Have Bureacuracy installed Have Exploration Plus installed Take the "Do Some Science Contract" Launch a craft with science experiments on it. Recover the Science Experiment Bureaucracy I think will suddenly delete all the science you got since I think it wants to process the science? The "Do Some Science Contract" Will say that the Recover Or Transmit Science will be incomplete even though you did recover the science Strangely the contract because of I think Bureaucracy will also say that you didn't launch a vessel into the air even though I did launch a vessel into the air
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