I don't see why the lunar gateway nor Orion spacecraft are needed when starship HLS has plenty of room for astronauts internally. The lunar gateway adds unnecessary complexity in my honest opinion. My 2 cents are that the lander should be a much smaller, yet fully reusable LH2/LOX design (so that in the future, water electrolysis can be used to fuel it.), and instead of using an unnecessarily complicated launch architecture, only 3 launches take place: one to transport a high efficiency transfer engine and fuel tank to orbit, another one to transport a habitation module, and a third one to transport the lander. This would be a "mobile space station" design that has just enough volume to fit all the necessary crew while the lander itself is compact and fully reusable design. This would allow the transfer vehicle to be easily expanded wherein the propulsion, habitation, and lander modules can be swapped out and modified as the need arises, and the transfer vehicle can also easily shuttle base modules for a lunar colony. This is far more efficient and conservative that multiple launches to build the gateway, >5 launches to refuel a single starship, and even more launches for crew delivery. Not to mention a LLO would be much more sensible than the NRHO.