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Rocket-Propelled Cat

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  1. Found them! It's these wings, I really miss them Edit: "Some years ago"... more like "more than a decade ago". This image is from a 2013 youtube video
  2. Tried running this mod again after removing some other mods that could cause Kopernicus to not load, and... It works! So I confirm that this mod still works in the current version of the game with current Kopernicus (1.12.1-223)
  3. I'm probably going crazy but wasn't ever in KSP a set of straight wings that where removed some years ago? Searched them everywhere but nothing, and I remember those wings vividly, maybe they where from some mod but I'm pretty sure they were stock
  4. I know this mod is old, tried it with current Kopernicus but didn't have any luck. Is this mod dead or there is a newer version somewhere else?
  5. Building a space station with multiple launches is a very rewarding experience. I personally use a Mechjeb-assited rendezvous (The more tedious and less rewarding part for me) and a manual docking First steps are similar to the ones described by SuperfluousJ (I always park my stations around 350km though), once the station is in orbit launch your docking ship to less than 100k orbit. -Then target your station -> Maneuver planner-> Hohmann transfer to target. -Once you are on an intercept course->Maneuver planner-> fine tune closest approach to target (Set it to 50m for small ships/station and to 150m for large ones). -Once the corrections are made-> Maneuver planner-> match velocities with target (Be sure that the option that is selected is "at closest approach to target"). For docking: -Switch to to your station, right click the docking port you intend to dock->"Control from here"->set Mechjeb SASS or stock SAS to hold prograde/retrogade/normal/etc , be sure that the docking port is facing your docking ship (It's not required though it just makes maneuvering easier) -Switch back to your docking ship and set target to the station docking port you intend to dock. You docking ship will be holding the opposite of what you choose on the previous step, meaning for example if your station docking port is holding "retrograde" your docking ship will be holding "prograde". Then is just a matter of using translation RCS to maneuver your way to docking. I highly recommend using DPAI (Docking port alignment indicator) for this process though, it makes things less tedious, try it and you'll see what I mean Hope this helps
  6. Is the "Aerodynamic FX" slider, move it all to the left ("minimal")
  7. Use the Curseforge one, but remember to check "Show alpha files" for the files to show, that's how I downloaded it
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