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Everything posted by Ulrezaj

  1. Well, experiment itself takes 25 ears to complete, so guess it will take a while Just curious is thoose numbers are intentional.
  2. Recently I started a new game with Kerbalism (default config), and I'm running into an interesting snag. I've got an infrared telescope experiment that's generating data at a rate of 1.26 MB/s, but the best antenna I have found in Science Three— the RA-100 — only pushes out data at 480 kB/s. This creates a clear mismatch, meaning I'm quickly bottlenecking my data transmission. I don't see any upgrade that could potentially increase that number, and combining antennas doesn't seem to work either (or maybe I'm doing it wrong). Is there any solution to speed up transmission?
  3. So recently I started a new game with Kerbalism (default config), and I'm running into an interesting snag. I've got an infrared telescope experiment that's generating data at a rate of 1.26 MB/s, but the best antenna I have found in Science Three— the RA-100 — only pushes out data at 480 kB/s. This creates a clear mismatch, meaning I'm quickly bottlenecking my data transmission. I don't see any upgrade that could potentially increase that number, and combining antennas doesn't seem to work either (or maybe I'm doing it wrong). Is there any solution to speed up transmission?
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