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  1. Thanks for getting back to us. I found a resource scanner as part of the Octosat. So i should be ok to use that if i want to before i unlock the other one. What are the current incompatabilities with Kerbalism? I have it installed with GPTT and so far have had no issues except you don't seem to need nitrogen to stay pressurised. Everything else seems to work so far. Food and drink, science, radiation. The UI with all the ship, kerbal and science data seems to be working fine.
  2. Hey can i just ask why the survey scanner is so far up the tech tree? I'm really enjoying the progression so far. It's the best probes before crew one that i've tried. Even planes have been a viable option at the strat, with all the extra recomended mods, so thank you. I have been sending probes to orbit mun and collected science etc now it seems like the next step would be to do surveys as there are missions asking me to collect samples. When i looked to see when i could unlock them i see they are one of the very last things you unlock! so i'm going to have already visited lots of planest before i can do a survey. To me i would imagine i've done all i need to do on those planets way before i unlock the survey scanner on your tree. seems wrong to me. Surley i would want to survey before i start going there and colecting stuff, not way after.
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