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  1. After playing more today (having restarted the game), it seems I can't really reproduce those bugs. Maybe that particular instance of the game got borked somehow. Thanks for the quick response anyway! Doing God's work over here. To be clear, the pods still spawn with no K&B, but the Kerbals don't immediately die, which is good enough as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Hello, I am experiencing an issue while using this mod. It appears that new vessels for Rescue contracts spawn in with no K&B on board, leading to the crew immediately dying basically as soon as the vessel is loaded in. I've tried to find information on this bug but nothing's come up so far. Edit: trying to reproduce it, it doesn't seem to consistently do this, but it has happened a couple of times. Edit 2: another bug, kerbals that go in EVA sometimes immediatly die to no Life Support. This seems to not be that common, but it seems to be a bugged state, as in it happens if you reload a quicksave.
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