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Posts posted by darqen27

  1. I'm going to suggest what I've been suggesting alot lately, make a small 50GB partition(Or less, 20 would be okay to) for linux, update mono and its dependacies and then you can run the 64 bit version with no issues, and man can you jam alot of mods into it, I was giddy as a school girl the first time it loaded with my massive modlist, and it was fast too, super fast.

    give it a try, ;)

  2. So...... I must be missing something, but I have been with kerbal since alpha, so that makes me an alpha tester, why am I not privvy to the early release of 1.0?

    What makes this dude so special. Comon dude.. I've been with KSP for years, before anyone knew who this dude was. when winter owl was just starting his KSP series.

    I think I should more qualified

    There was like 3 parts back when I dived in

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