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Everything posted by Yogui87

  1. Eveything should work fine as 0.24 changes only a few things. Just need to check to be sure. You're right, I need to balance it. I'm open to any suggestions.
  2. Rosetta Philae will be in the next release. Probably with surveyor if everything goes well. I don't know if new horizons will be added because it's very similar to other probes allready done. May be you could build it when I'll add separate parts for building your own probes.
  3. Here the link for the new update of Probes and Landers mod: DOWNLOAD LH_LandersProbes_v1.4 (this link may provide the old version for few minutes/hours because is under Curse review, please check version before downloading) Mediafire mirror link
  4. RCS blocks are modelized but not fonctional: SAS is strong enough, I'm not sure rcs is necessary. I'll not make the each engine separate because it'll unbalance the ship and I think this degree of realism is not necessary. Gameplay before realism.
  5. I'll check from my side but I don't remember having encounterd this issue before. Try to just add 1 rocket folder at time to locate where the issue is. The project was in stand by because I needed to update my other mods and I think I'll make changes to Icarus drop base to be better. I think it'll be my big work in september. Yes. As I will be in hollydays for 2 monthes, I need to finish updating Prometheus rover (fix issue with the new capsule and cruise stage) and I want to add a Cassini replica (in final test) in the next update.
  6. I'll try to see if it's possible. Thanks, I still encounter issues for this update but it might be finished before I go to holydays. Try to make a fresh install of KSP and just add ESA mod. May be try to download again the mod, it could be a corrupt file.
  7. True because it's the way science module works. You can't have different reports for the same location, I was a little disapointed too when I understood this. Wait and see if Squad'll update this.
  8. Here the link for the new update of Probes and Landers mod: DOWNLOAD LH_LandersProbes_v1.3 (this link may be inactive for few minutes/hours because is under Curse review, please check version before downloading) Mediafire mirror link
  9. Yes I like it like that but it could be a little too grainy for first personn driving. Just tell me your feelings.
  10. What set of engines is missing? I merged skycrane descent engines with the skycrane so you only need to add boosters (srb) to the skycrane. Check the "stock" DSL Pandora. About the winch, it uses Infernal Robotics plugin now. Did you download it? You need Hullcam VDS plugin too. I'm sure you downloaded this mod from Mediafire and I forget to add a readme.txt file in the archive to explain the changes. Every changes are explained in Curse mod page but it remains inaccessible for hours during Curse review. Here the changelog:
  11. 1) I still have difficulties to make stock wheelmodule work, when I'll could I'll add folding wheels. 2) Yes, a cruise stage is planed for Prometheus. 3) arm and laser science experiment animations are added in this update. 4) NavCam works with HullCam plugin. 5) KAS plugin for the skycrane is planed but I need to learn more about it. 6) Main link is under Curse review for a few hours (very annoying this review but it's for your safety) but the mirror link (Mediafire) is always active immediately.
  12. Here the release for Pandora rover, this new pack called "Rovers" will compile all the rovers made by LH. DOWNLOAD LH_Rovers_v1 mirror
  13. Here the link for downloading these flags: Download LH_FantaisyFlags_v1 or mirror
  14. Here the new hotfix for ESA pack v0.7.2: MediaFire mirror Curse update is under review for a few minutes/hours. For the separate decoupler, I'm not sure yet but it might be part of a future update including Delta-V equilibration.
  15. I made an update to circular solar panels pack. Now I add 3 solar panels without protective shroud, like the v2 ones. Here the mirorr link: http://www./download/jrzfe24gl004gmv/LH_CircularPanel_v3.1.zip Curse link is under review and be active in a few minutes/hours?
  16. Is someone interested in a release of these KSP fantaisy country flags?:
  17. I'm working on fixing this issue. I'll try to add Venera probe in the same release. Due to the closure of Spaceport, I'm reuploading all my mods to Curse and Mediafire (mirror link). I'm working on an update for the rovers before a release. If it's too long I may upload the latest version. May be but I need more informations about Mars 2 lander. It's quiet hard to find. Is someone interested in a release of these KSP fantaisy country flags?:
  18. I'll check that. The circular solar panels have been updated and uploaded (mirror in OP). Download LH_CircularSolarPanel_v3
  19. You're right, I forgot to add Mir docking port. Now Esapack_v0.7.1 fix that issue.
  20. Here the new update of the Icarus: Download LH_Icarus_v0.3 mirror
  21. Yes, I'll reupload it asap. I hope I could make a very big update, it's not prioritary so you have to wait for a mun rover. Yes, I'll make a mirror link today.
  22. I made H-II for someone a long time ago but it never be released. I updated the model for the upcoming ISS update. Why not a japanese rocket pack as these rockets are quiet simple to modelize.
  23. ESA pack has been re-uploaded to Curse. Download ESApack v0.7 Right now I'm working on the rovers update. I encounter some big issues I need to fix. Evera probe (name can be changed if you find a better one) is almost done. I'm updating H-II transfert vehicule for ISS mod. Icarus new parts need to be polished, sorry for the wait. Lots of work to be done...
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