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Everything posted by Yogui87

  1. Probes haven't got crew nor eva reports. I'm not sure I understood what you mean very well.
  2. I'm moving all my mods to Curse, so you'll have to wait before downloading them again. I'll add links asap. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. For the probe disparition, I have no aswer, I'll check for that. About the legs reseting during time warp or reloading a save, I didn't find how to fix that yet. Here a little video of the next probe: Evera probe and orbiter The name isn't sure (may you have a better one). I haven't any idea for the logo yet (may be you have^^).
  4. I made a HTV for next update of ISS mod. Bobcat needs to make a release. May be I could release the parts I made for ISS before the official release.
  5. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Is v0.6 the last version? I can't remeber. I wrote on the OP of this thread that ESA pack is under 0.7 but I can't find this version in my files.
  6. I'll add it, as soon as I can get the ESA pack v0.7. I still working on the rovers update (Pandora rover is done, Prometheus got some issues to be fixed), I'm working on a Venera probe replica (pics soon). Icarus new parts need to be polished before a release (hope soon). I need help from LH mod users. Due to the spaceport's closure, I can't access to the latest version of: - ESA pack v0.7 - MEM v3.2 - Space Battle Cruiser v0.3 If you have one of these mods, could you give me a link to download them or send them to me by email (PM me for email). Thanks.
  7. I'm not very keen on Curse. Just give me time to think about it and see if it worthes it. I asked myself if it was too big or not. Try to add the line Surveyor is planed, as Cassini-Huygens and other famous probes.
  8. All probes from largesProbe node are now advUnmanned node. I forgot to fix that issue. Now lag must be gone. New update: DOWNLOAD LH_LandersProbes_v1.2.2
  9. Updated to ProbesLAnderPack v1.2.1: Fix, now Kerbnik has science.
  10. Here the new update for Probes and Landers pack. This update includes science for all probes, 2 new probes, few fixes and transparent flags. [TABLE=width: 1000] [TR] [TD] Munar Orbiter [/TD] [TD] Kerbnik [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] DOWNLOAD LH_LandersProbes_v1.2.2
  11. What sort of update do you want exactly? No update since a long time. I'm working on a update for probe and landers pack, Icarus and rovers are the next. I've got very few time to work on KSP right now. Keep hope^^.
  12. Yes Probes and Landers pack is compatible with KSP v0.23.5 ARM.
  13. Right now no. The 3D model is almost finished but it'll need a lot of work to be added to the game.
  14. Rovers update is planed for next weeks. I will start working on it next week. It may take a week or two, depends of the issue I'll encounter. I'm not sure I could switch to the stock WheelModule in this update.
  15. The cargo bay has a door animated. The spacewheel is animated too. Truss, engine and command pod aren't animated.
  16. Ok, I misunderstood what you were talking about. I'm not sure but I think I don't make the engine togglable between the 2 propulsion's mode. I need to make more tests to see if it's usefull.
  17. Here my documentation: VASIMR Wiki fr or english version Now with the dockingNode truss and the new big rocket parts, the ship can be build into space. I think I'll tweak the engine to be more realistic (something like a nuclear or ion engine)
  18. You sent me a PM and I answered you back. This issue will be solved in the next update. Just add these lines in the cfg file. TechRequired = advExploration entryCost = 5000 I started working on the rovers update but I lost some files so I need to remake the update from the begining. Science will be added, a functional NavCam and probably the robotic arm will be animated instead of using infernal robotics plugin. I'm off for a week and then I'll work on the update again. I love Ariane 4, for me it's one of the most beautifull rocket... with Soyouz, I agree with you. What exactly doesn't work with Viking and Valkyrie? I can't find what you're talking about. New parts are coming for Icarus:
  19. You may miss the plugin. Check the links in the INSTRUCTION.txt file in the archive.
  20. Yes, just add this line in the science module: rerunnable = True Evereything seems to be fixed and working well. I will send it to Bobcat for a future release.
  21. No but it will be in the next update. If someone want to help me about that I'm glad to accept his help.
  22. Hi, I just can't find how to use the solar sail. Is someone give me a hand?
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