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Everything posted by malcheus

  1. still crashes on multiple launches =s
  2. does this also fix the access violation errors?
  3. I also recently managed to do a return trip; My first few attempts were a disaster; as was expected, I didn\'t realise I was landing on the dark side untill I was wel underway of slowing my descent, and then noticed I could not see anything. I attempted to do a pure instrumental landing, slowing down to 20m/s around 2KM altitude, but then at 1200m my craft crashed hard into the munar surface; aparently the ground wasn\'t at 0m =P I then tried again, by dropping the descent state around 1500m, and using it as a visual guide, but I still didn\'t manage to land in a controlled fashion. I then reloaded the mission and tried again on the light side, which worked just fine. To get off the mun I had only very little fuel, so I had to place my TKI on the far side of the moon, and 5 days later I could slow down enough to land on kerbin about 10 days after I lifted off. Cheers for doing it without quick-saving/loading!
  4. I agree, the oceans seem way to clean, lets look for efficient ways to pollute them!
  5. I thought a dropship was something that dropped other ships onto the surface of a planet? This would also be cool, a ship that can re-enter orbit, drop some stuff, and then get back into orbit.
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