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Everything posted by sss

  1. I have no idea what kerbals are. Holy frak, im Earthian! if you dont like that, just
  2. You forgot to say who will post next. Now THATS a weird picture.
  3. Anything. Next person will post a picture of a very WEIRD photo!
  4. next person will post a picture of the apollo.
  5. So, what have you done? In thruth, im only a master at orbiting, and im just learning transx :-[
  6. So YOU are the one who made that? AWSOME!
  7. I agree, but really, there is infinite possibility with orbiter, i mean like, using transx to get to saturn, quite cool, and when you get bored, just go to http://www.orbithangar.com/ get some mods and have fun! if you need help, PM me, ive played for 2 years. also, the main reason i play it more, is because well, i get 30 FPS on orbiter 2010, and only like 7 on KSP
  8. My first posts were in the games thread.
  9. yep. next person will have more than three letters in their name.
  10. i know, but my wiki is amso, have you ever tried it? its practially a walking apollo wiki. yes you can.
  11. Oh no... everyone is gonna use the smiley.. just wait till Ascen sees this!
  12. Wow, looks like im the only one that dosent have this problem 0_0
  13. it was going on and off, somtimes it worked somtimes it didnt, and now, when i plugged it in with my new win7 (upgraded from the vista i used my joystick on) it did well, NOTHING! :\'( :\'(
  14. Actually, i did one time, my first minimus mission, i crashed there, but the crew survived! (thats their permanent home now tho!)
  15. WOW!!!! THAT IS AMAZING! 8) wat i wanna know now is, can it go back to kerbin? like have an emergency rocket in it so that if the thing is about to blow up, the crew and a few citizens would be able to return to kerbin safley?
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