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Everything posted by sss

  1. Hi, i know that i h j k l controls rcs but idk wich is wich. id like to know the two keys that move the rocket left/right for a munar landing. thanks.
  2. Welcome. ive made it to the moon but when i land i land on hill lol.
  3. sss


    specs in attachment.
  4. I put a nuclear-atomic-bomb on his hill. my destroyed hill.
  5. erm, how do i use the drone? when i attach it im on the launch pad and when i press space insted of turning on main engines, it turns on the drone. how do i make it so that i turn on main engines first, then the drone engines.
  6. sss


    I can? or is that only with the full version
  7. Gah, i tryed to land on mun. could not intercept moon 2 times and the other 3 i first broke my landing gear and engine, the next one i crashed, and the final landing i landed on a stupid hill. is there anything i can do so that i will land on a flat surface? or is there a mod that makes the moon flatter (or even compltetly flat) >
  8. aww yeah! thanks for this. really wanted this. (its not cheating, i mean kerbals can do anything! ;P)
  9. sss


    it lags with any craft btw, think its just my system. however, i only get lag when i look at earth (not from map though) maybe there is some mod that makes the earth more sympler? lol.
  10. in v 1.1 everything works exept the engines. had to delete them (would not load) is the v1 for v 13? if so could you give me the link? the links are broken at front page
  11. hey, isnt that you from the minecraft forum? who was giving away free gift codes? 0_0 i seem to find people from other games such as allegiance.
  12. White owl is that you? from allegiance? 0_0! its me shhhilent1!
  13. is there any demo addons? (for the demo) EDIT: found out in a post that there is. but i cant seem to find them? could you post a few good ones?
  14. sss


    No. i put one engine. i made a very simple craft. too bad that ill probaly need to upgrade my pc no im not on a laptop. is there anything that could speed it up? like a mod?
  15. sss


    today i didnt have a happy launch for me, on lowest settings everything is fine, untill i launch. when i launch and fly, i get MEGA LAG. why??? this is annyoing as hell. >
  16. Whats the differnce between full and demo?
  17. sss


    Hi there just decided to try the demo. just wondering, whats the difference between demo and full version? Looks like a good game. wish me luck lol
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