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Everything posted by sss

  1. Nah, its made up of IFE engines and C7 tanks (but still, its not like im cheat (AKA dosent have super-amount of thrust or fuel)
  2. Copyed from the mnecraft forum Another thread 'borrowed' fromFacepunch, the game is simple, use pictures to defeat or destroy the above picture. Example Person A: *Picture of a gun* Person B: *Picture of a bullet-proof vest* I\'ll start EDIT: thanks mod for moving this oops EDIT2: Note, that you cant just post the same picture again and again, eg, and the end right now, ascen is using the same charater 3 times. despite being slightly different, hes using the same Poyo! to kill the picture. if he does that, then it will make the gtame less interesting, because his solouton is always gonna be the same. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alright everyone, please read because this is important! This is one of the rules of this thread, as per what the OP said. We've noticed that a lot of repeated content has been coming up over and over for the last few days, and it's not fun and is not in the spirit of the game. So please consider this a warning, because otherwise this thread's gonna get locked and I don't think we want that. So please play nice!
  3. Lol ive already done infi miner (zachtronics) and orbiter. thoose were the only good games i saw there LOL
  4. Might be his name. also im looking for the smae thing, if i find one ill let ya know
  5. I know, i remeber when this rig was high-tech when i bought it i did do terraria (got bored) and ace of spades, and ive been looking at civilization II, might (just might) get it.
  6. Ok heres my specs, and yeah maybe ill just need 30 fps.
  7. YES! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5qUMK-TzOg&list=UUR4s1DE9J4DHzZYXMltSMAg&index=4&feature=plcp
  8. I never want a waterbug bite > Hope no waterbugs bite me. (or wasps or bees)
  9. Hi, is there a good game out there that 1: can run at 100 fps (specs in attachment) 2: No blood, or FPS 3: Optinal (but good) Freeware. Thanks 8)
  10. Laser shoots off asteroid and i deploy nuclear missle launchers for defence. My hill.
  11. Ive made a rocket that was originally for the mun, but i think it can go to mars because by the time i had to jettison my stages, i still had 1 halft full stage and one full stage left so im sure it make it to mars. (actually not that big)
  12. I have no freaking idea what that thing is. 0/10 (sorry)
  13. Puppy licks up hill. My hill.
  14. sss

    I DID IT!

    Well, with c7 aerospace divison, mechjeb, IFE i managed to get to the moon again. and i took pics! ready to intercept mun: intercepted. prepare for retrograde picture of my rocket doing retrograde (ps if you just ad boosters to the bottem, thats what it origanally looked like) Ok, ready to land. course corrected to land in the flat area here comes the mun! didnt know i had too much fuel ejecting stage. another stage down. burning. Near landing!!!! YEAH! 8) heres where i am. got in mun orbit, prepare for burn home escaped moons gravity prepare for a retro burn thats all for now
  15. OMG I remeber him when he build the jet plane in minecraft that works (and the flying penis =P)
  16. where can i get that launcherlooks cool 8)
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