I just can't see how you could call anything "cheating" in a single player sandbox game. The closest you could come is using hyperedit to make it look like you are a better pilot than Scott Manley then bragging to your friends about it, but that would be silly. Everyone know you can't beat The Manley In all seriousness, I love hyperedit because I have a pretty unstable machine, and sometimes things just sorta freak out on me. Once, I had a carrer game going really well, and I woke up the next morning to find not just the save file corrupted, but the entire KSP directory. 10 minutes with hyper edit and I was back in business! Also, like Zatie12 said, if I get super close to a success but come just a little short on fuel or something similar, I am totally content to use hyperedit to get the rest of the way and admit my flaws TlDr: You can do what you want as long as your honest about it. As for me, Data recovery