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Posts posted by Rabblerouser

  1. Ghidorah K1-180 Tank seems to attach strangely. Ofttimes I'll try to view the rocket as straight from the side as I can and just try my best to attach a fuel tank onto the extended radial decoupler (stock TT-70) so it lays "flat". However the tank I mentioned seems to attach at a very funky angle, like it's rotated funkily at the attachment point.

  2. 15 hours ago, aceman67 said:

    Attempting to Update and/or Install (I uninstalled the mod to cover my bases) the 1.5 update wakes the CKAN Kraken with this error:

    CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: TundraTechnologies 1.5.0: C:\Users\tehph\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpCD9B.tmp has length 135760085, should be 135760122
       at CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, String description, Boolean move)
       at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadsComplete(NetModuleCache cache, Uri[] urls, String[] filenames, Exception[] errors)


    I'm not sure but I believe it may be because @damonvv POSSIBLY reuploaded the file and used the same version number? Again, not sure. I've sent this issue to CKAN's issue tracker. If you're familiar with SHA1 hashes, MD5 checksums, etc. Basically, a reupload likely caused the file's SHA1 hash to change due to a minor change from the author.

    When CKAN checks the SHA1 from the file downloaded against their cached zip file's SHA1, it triggers a security/file validation feature that prevents CKAN from serving a file that's corrupted/influenced by potentially malicious actors.

    EDIT: Reading up, yes. The correct course of action for the future is to essentially upload even SMOL one-line edits as a new version number, so NetKAN's bot generates a new hash as its "control" to compare against.

  3. On 3/18/2019 at 3:28 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

    I assume you refreshed?  The top line should be Recycled Parts


    I have it set to refresh every startup. But yes, I've refreshed manually to make sure. It's not there. Apologies for the late reply. Perhaps it's an issue about compatibility like you mentioned in the KAS thread? It's odd because CKAN is picking up the individual mods but not the full install.

  4. Question about CKAN installs, which entry is the "full" install (if any)? The OP says there's gonna be a single entry that installs them all?
    ALL of them are showing as 31.9 MB so I'm not really sure which one is the "all-encompassing" one.

    I did the noob thing (new to CKAN) and tried to checkbox them all and got an alert saying it was trying overwrite something in the Ships/SPH directory that was installed by another mod.

    Seems CKAN isn't as sophisticated as Skyrim's Mod Organizer when it comes to mod vs. mod conflicts. Or patches.

    I tried to install them all because it's not transparent which is the "full install". At first glance, it seems these two mods that conflict in CKAN (Farscape and RSCapsuledyle) are different... yet both have craft files which causes CKAN to issue an overcautious hard abort.

    Could this be a packaging error?

    KSP --- CKAN 1.25..4
    This is the error I get when trying to install them all:

    About to install...
     * Recycled Parts Atomic Age (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Farscape (cached)
     * Recycled Parts FTmN Atomic Rockets (cached)
     * Recycled Parts FTmN Improved Atomic Rockets (cached)
     * Recycled Parts KAL-9000 (cached)
     * Recycled Parts LVN Clusters (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Mk2 Essentials (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Mk2 KIS Containers (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Mk2 Lightning (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Mk2 Solar Batteries (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Orgami Foldable Assets (cached)
     * Recycled Parts RSCapsuledyne (cached)
     * Recycled Parts Spare Parts (cached)
     * Community Tech Tree 1:3.3.6 (cached)
     * The Janitor's Closet (cached)
     * KSP Wheel (cached)
     * Patch Manager (cached)
     * BahamutoD Animation Modules 1:v0.6.5.6 (cached)
     * ClickThrough Blocker (cached)
    Module "Recycled Parts Atomic Age" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts Farscape" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts FTmN Atomic Rockets" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts FTmN Improved Atomic Rockets" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts KAL-9000" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts LVN Clusters" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts Mk2 Essentials" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts Mk2 KIS Containers" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts Mk2 Lightning" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts Mk2 Solar Batteries" successfully installed
    Module "Recycled Parts Orgami Foldable Assets" successfully installed
    Oh no! We tried to overwrite a file owned by another mod!
    Please try a `ckan update` and try again.
    If this problem re-occurs, then it maybe a packaging bug.
    Please report it at:
    Please including the following information in your report:
    File           : Ships/SPH/A Nuke Cruiser-Skalou-03.craft
    Installing Mod : RecycledPartsRSCapsuledyne
    Owning Mod     : RecycledPartsFarscape
    CKAN Version   : v1.25.4
    Your GameData has been returned to its original state.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    Well you joined the forums May 5 2012, so did you make an account before you bought the game?

    Just signed into the Kerbal store and found I purchased KSP on 2013-02-11 on the KERBAL STORE (website, not Steam) and got the Steam version while it was in beta. Hopefully that counts. :o

  6. 11 hours ago, inigma said:

    I added #149 to allow for bailing over water.

    I added #150 to test StageRecovery compatibility (after all, I too plan to plan with SR when I play career).

    Update process is to first update CC and GAP, then load KSP and cancel existing contracts so new ones are generated in the pre-loader.

    Well, I'm pretty sure this was an issue from the download in the locked thread. The contract was to reach 2000m and bail out. My Kerbals were able to bail successfully in water, but not on land. They hit the ground too hard.

    As for StageRecovery, I still it is probably just outside the scope of the mod unless you remove the requirement to transmit from a bouy. I have no opinion one way or another on whether you should do that. That's really your decision as the mod author. If it comes down to it, you can just go to KSC after accepting the contract, click the SR button, and disable the mod temporarily.

    Another bug I've found. I can't seem to reclaim the Island Runway. Getting to the waypoint seems... troublesome. It never seems to tick. Since you've asked what contracts we've had active before, I've listed them ALL in the order I have them in my contract panel... Scroll to the orange for buggy GAP contract.

    Build a new orbital station around Kerbin.

    • orbit around Kerbin
    • new station that has antenna, docking port, can generate power
    • supports at least five Kerbals
    • has a viewing cupola
    • maintain stability for ten seconds

    Extract 600 units of ore from Minmus

    • acquire 600 unites of fresh ore from Minmus

    Go on an orbital spacewalk near the Mun

    • basically EVA in orbit

    KSC Island Landing

    • Your aircraft must
      • Have a certified pilot
    • land at the KSC Island Airfield
    • re-claim the island for KSC (this is where it fails)
      • walk to the Island Air Tower waypoint (should it matter that when I get there, it's 5.4 meters in the air according to Waypoint Manager? The waypoint seems to disappear, but the object never checks)
      • and plant a flag
    • and then land and stop
      • at one of the following recovery areas
        • the KSC Runway
        • or the Spaceplane Hangar Air Terminal
    • safely
      • without destroying your aircraft
      • or killing anyone

    Plant flag on Minmus

    • Plant Flag on Minmus

    Build a new orbital station around the Mun

    • station in orbit of the Mun
    • has antenna, docking port, can generate power
    • supports eleven Kerbals
    • has viewing cupola
    • has 2000 units of xenon gas
    • has 5000 units of ore
    • maintain stability for ten seconds
  7. Asking on behalf of two people. :D Would it be possible to have camera "track" targets. Also to have it in its own window? Like old-school Lazor System style?

    Trust me when I say you would be filling a HUGE gap given Lazor System (a mod that used to be hugely popular) has been offline since 0.90

  8. Yeah, I was going to report a bug with the "Jump from an Airplane" contract, but now I'm unsure I have the right version to report it. :I Basically, he landed in water, but the thing wouldn't check!

    Also, it sucks that this is incompatible with StageRecovery. :( It's only a soft incompatibility. StageRecovery would delete crafts to simulate "recovery" when you stage, giving you the funds equivalent to the monetary value of the parts, amount of fuel, RCS, etc. The dropped bouys count as discarded stages and get "recovered". It's not this mod's fault, it's beyond the intended scope.


    At any rate, what is the recommended update procedure? Cancel all contracts before updating?

  9. Can someone explain why there are x86 and x64 versions of the basic and aggressive versions. I don't understand if I have to install a specific version based on whether I am running 32 or 64 bit ksp which is confusing because I can run all my other mods with either. This would require me to make two copies of my entire game folder one with 32-bit ATM and one with 64-bit ATM??? Or do I install the appropriate version base on if my OS is 32 or 64 bit???
    Because there is now a 64-bit KSP available.

    If you're playing 32-bit KSP, you'll use the x86 of the version you choose. Frankly, I'm not sure how to play the 64-bit version (which apparently from what I've heard is RIDICULOUSLY buggy), so you'll likely be wanting the x86 version to go with your x86 KSP.. unless you are SURE that you're using 64-bit KSP.

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