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Everything posted by red7paulbrennan

  1. Just stared working on ssto aircraft and find myself unable to ignore the ground crew vehicles in SPH. is there a mod to turn them ground crew vehicles could i delete some files or text within Could someone make such a mod Thanks for reading
  2. I am a fan of the Traveling wave reactor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traveling_wave_reactor
  3. best i can do is link Build a $650 Gaming PC Tek Syndicate
  4. I was just thinking about this. anything to speed up looking for parts
  5. I played a little, as a start I like it and where it might go. Kudos
  6. Just tied, works great, thank you I have wanted this sense .13 when i started. Messed up mech jeb, so bye bye my mechanical friend http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb/ Worked with the TAC Fuel Balancer v2.3 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-fuel-balancer-v1-0/
  7. So not sure if i should start this in its own thread or not but it seems close to my problem. I am trying to line up 4 of the 1m docking ports http://imgur.com/a/phZoX#0 I know it can be done with smaller craft and on the ground. the docking in the pic was a 10 min line up on my 5th try, not sure if i can do better. Should i just use the 3m dock or do i have other options.(mods, editing the craft file)
  8. I do not know how hard this would be but could I get one without the text? Even with the text it is an amazing wallpaper. thx
  9. So let say Jeb needs to bail from his lander at the last second before it crashes into the mun how mush speed can his suit overcome? Maybe even the suits TWR. thanks
  10. Saturn's Upper cloud deck is ammonia crystals = Pale brown or tan striped Neptune atmospheric methane absorb red light = Blue Uranus atmospheric methane gives it a little more green = aquamarine Wikipedia^ So the big question on my mind what will my little green friends be crashing into
  11. Have been looking into this for awhile. Lets say u could get a constant 10g thrust = 850 hours run time http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=time+to+light+speed+at+10g+acceleration edited some config files to get 200g thrust still would take 40 hours and at this point it is almost impossible to keep the ship pointed in one direction.
  12. Jeb is having so much fun (I believe that is the sun below his ship)
  13. Very cool how well this flies with no sas, thx for the craft file
  14. Very nice, thx for the craft file ;D Got this into orbit at 100,000m no problem any idea how long this took and or fail attempts
  15. I get one frame every 3-5 seconds on the first stage but after decoupling it runs fine http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103996http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102882 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128529 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231428 This is not recommended but what my budget allowed
  16. Fastest time to the mun Holder: red7paulbrennan Record statistic : 00:58:33 Game version when record achieved: 0.15 Mods used: none 15 min could be shaved off with some tweaks
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