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Everything posted by sschofie

  1. Hello all, I haven't played the game in a while, but I recently reinstalled the game and found that the default parts diameters do not match. For instance, the RCS tanks diameter is much smaller than the command module, decoupler and fuel tanks. Now I know you can add more parts to the game and I have, but I'm having a hard time finding everything I need. Is there a site that has all the modded parts available in one place? At the moment I need a RCS tank that matches the fuel tanks diameter(I prefer my rocket components to be somewhat uniform in size). I had the same problem with the asas module but found an add-on part that was the right size. I've been to http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.net, but have not found what I need. And if it matters I'm using the bought version at 0.16. Thank you for your time and help.
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