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Animal Mother

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Everything posted by Animal Mother

  1. Just remembering back to the last KerbalKon, we had the big 0.18 release and the kerbalizer tools and kerbal spaceport, and we also had sneak peeks into development, including the announcement of an official resource gathering system (coming "soon"), and the experiment of bringing clouds to the game. In essence quite a lot of stuff to get excited about. I missed Kerbalkon 2013, so I was wondering if there were just as big announcements this year, specifically anything related to future development?
  2. For me though it seems that the first experiments gets the most research value; every subsequent experiments gives no value. By the time I get a Lab in orbit, it has no value as all science has been maxed out in prior missions.
  3. Are there going to be more uses for the Lab Module in the Campaign? At the moment I'm at the point whereby I performed experiments, to get science point, just so I could researched the lab. I then put it in orbit, along with some experiments, only to find out I already maxed out those experiments. All I can do with the Lab is improve value of the experiment by +0.0 Have I been using it wrong, or was it inserted into this update to get ready for a bigger purpose, i.e. fulfilling contracts with pharmaceutical companies for developing new medicines or engineering firm for researching new consumer materials? I guess you would see bigger returns in late games where you use it as a landing craft on other planets, but I thought it was intended to be a skylab type module initially.
  4. This, but at the same time it would require a crucial revisal of the research tree, to allow access to aerodynamic stuff first. I want the screenshots that you take to account for some of your research points. Kind of like the mechanic that was going to be included in the FPS XCOM before it got canned. Any news on the planetary resource overlays? Will it be enhanced to identify regions (biomes) that could be explored?
  5. Mission Control: So you can track where you've been, and what activities you've done there, including science experiments; to ensure you make maximum gains both financially and for science. Payload Lab: Like the VAB and HAB, but where you can focus on just the Payload
  6. Its the first time that R&D has been implemented into the game, and it is still very much in development. As with most things in the game, there tends to be at least two developmental passes with the game's code/assets. I would give Squad the benefit of the doubt for now, as there are several features of the game that hasn't been developed, which will ultimately change how the tech tree looks; mining, space telescopes, fairings, solid-booster fuel plugs. When the new aerodynamic model is implemented, the order of parts in the tree will change based on necessity (nose cones for example)
  7. Or you could use the 'Clock Gadget' that is supplied with Windows Vista onwards? Use it all the time for E3
  8. I was going to mention that, I just came in late
  9. The hardest part for me was the rendezvous in orbit, once I got to within a Km, it was easy work
  10. I think this update will be the most significant since the docking update
  11. Is it possible to point me to the video, the one I came across is too low res
  12. I noticed that when you are not focused on the satellite that your scanning with, deposits are not uncovered. Do you actually need to use the dish and antenna to communicate back to base and provide a constant stream of deposit information?
  13. Use the Master Alarm sound that was used in the Apollo missions
  14. I found this, though it doesn't mention how much radiation it is proposed that it will absorb. Also from what I understand the Curiosity Rover was detecting for Protons, what about Electromagnetic Radiation such as that at Ultraviolet Wavelength
  15. Mine is probably applying too much surface speed when landing on the Mun and toppling the lander over on two of its legs The most amusing fail was I sent an Unmanned Can to the moon and forgot to apply batteries, so every time it fell into the shadow of both Kerbin and the Mun the drone would keep on cutting out. Managed to land it safely on the Mun, with about 1-2 minutes before communication break down would of caused it to crash.
  16. You want to go to the Mun and do the other things, not because its easy, but because it is hard
  17. Yeah, you beat me to it as well. Had to work all day.
  18. Are you planning on making a memorial for every astronaut that dies, i.e. making an Astronaut cemetary
  19. I would like to see a Kraken and Cthulu cage match
  20. Aim for the Green Circle with the cross through it, then perform a long burn at 5-10% engine power, at any altitude; unless your under 1000m, in which case you burn that engine as hard as you can. You should be looking at between 0-10 on your velocity speed indicator before you hit the ground otherwise your landing struts will snap off like twigs. Throughout the landing process, you should still be aiming at the Green Circle+Cross, and an ideal landing is one where the Navball shows the cross and circle as being 90\' of horizon, because that means all your landing struts hit the ground at the same time.
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