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Animal Mother

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Everything posted by Animal Mother

  1. I would not call myself a modelling genius at this stage, it was difficult enough just to get a cylinder and its node_collider to work as it should, but as I slowly progress I also want to practice my artistic flair, so I can get a fully working and textured asset as soon as possible I have been interested in the texturing side and, with Tiberion I have managed to export my UV map (though I need time to unwrap a perfect UV). I started with paint (God help us all) and now I have moved on to Artweaver3.0 Free and liking the artistic styles I can apply with that, though as you would expect I still need practice. The question I wanted to ask is are there any art packages out there that have an array of geometry and measurement tools? The reason I ask it becuase I want to place rivets equally across a part and have seams placed across the craft. Whilst I mentioning this, can KSP take Normal Maps yet, or is the feature still deactivated?
  2. Thanks for the reply, I\'ll look into it after work today [edit]Thanks for that, it has been extremely useful
  3. I have managed to get the hang of the basic stuff to the point I have a really basic version of a fuel tank and an SRB and applied a texture to them but really aweful as its not aligning to the UV map. Are there any tips on working with UV maps, is there a way I can export it from blender so I can produce a PNG to match it?
  4. The right button doesn\'t seem to work, am I missing a step. I am still in edit mode, am I suppose to come out of that?
  5. Thank you for that, it had previous flown under my radar *Grabs Popcorn, watches trailer, enjoys goofy commentator
  6. Counterfeit diamonds, and my smooth talking 8) Damn, you beat me to the punch
  7. Is their a linky? I keep on getting directed to flash games :\'( [edit]Actually I think I found it; Blockade Runner right?
  8. I seem to be spoilt with space-based games at the moment Kerbal Space Program is in development FTL is in Development Notch has confirmed he has something in development And from the rumours, Valve may or maynot be making their very own spacegame
  9. So what is your objective on the team, will you be continuing to develop parts for atmospheric/space flight or have you expressed interest in other parts of the game code?
  10. At that speed, you could look back in time, long before the Kerbal Space Program was being developed
  11. Just got my first ever Mun landing in 0.14 and it has been made easier with the use of the fuel pipes, the new gimballing engines, and the retractable lander legs. I have yet to see if it can get back home. I accidently seperated stage III when it was burning fuel before getting to the Mun, so I had to use stage II\'s reserves of fuel and RCS to get out of the barrel role then to make the descent to the surface. Here are the specs regardless: Stage 0/1 Capsule and Parachute Decoupler Stage 2/3 FL-R25 RCS tank FL-T250 Liquid Fuel Tank LV-909 Liquid Fuel Engine RV-105 (x4) Thruster Blocks LT-2 Lander Legs (x4) Decoupler Stage 4/5 Advanced SAS FL-T500 (1 stack (x2)) Fuel Tanks LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine Decoupler Stage 6/7 LV-R8 Winglet (x3) FL-T500 (4 stack (x3)) Fuel Tanks LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine (x3) LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine Decoupler Stage 8 FL-T500 (4 stack (x4)) Fuel Tanks LV-R8 Winglet (x3) FTX-2 Fuel Duct (Central Fuel tanks provide fuel to all other stacks) TVR-1180C Mk1 Tricouplers (x3) LV-T45 Liquid Fuel Engine (x3) LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine (x6)
  12. The original flying-wing version of the Cylon raider, that way you can make a mod that replaces kerbals with 3 cylon centurions ;P
  13. I do a lot of mountaineering so I rely on metric, but oddly in the UK, miles and MPH is used whilst driving
  14. Thats good news, thanks for the heads up. Also do you know of any other modeling packages that exports to DAE?
  15. I'm trying to make a retrorocket of sorts; basically a compact rocket that has its own fuel for breaking orbit at a moments notice however I've come to a problem relating to the CFG. I thought that by having two module types listed in the CFG, it would allow me to apply properties from both i.e. module = FuelTank, LiquidEngine However the game gets confused on loadup and doesn't do anything except for flashing loading Is the game in its current state even possible to do this?
  16. Nothing wrong with horses they get you from point A to point B And besides the worlds greatest badasses rode a horse; Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Billy the Kid
  17. Its early days yet, the idea of making a space station sounds like a mid-game, late-game challenge, and by then computers would of been researched from the tech tree (assuming thats a technology to be researched). You would prepare to send the component up, how I envisage that would be: Design several space crafts of varying size and fuel types that can carry different sizes/weight of cargo (useful if you are economising on power required) Go to Space Station contruction window Design final layout of space station and click next Design view turns into a list of components required, and their costs, also it would say what pre-requisite modules (i.e components that need to go up first) Click approve A space station icon appears somewhere on the UI. If you click on it it says which modules haven't been sent up (all components that are not prerequisite are greyed out for the time being) Click on the module that you want sending up -> then select the ship design you want it sent up in (only designs with enough fuel to get to destination are selected) You are the cost breakdown -> Click approve -> The payload will launch automatically when a weather/orbit window allows the craft to rendevous with the space station
  18. Just a note, the Aero Decoupler always destroys my ship, and tried to find out why. The ejection force is down as being 5, whereas the the default Radial Decoupler has an ejection value of 15, presumably this is to ensure the decoupler and its payload is ejected far/fast enough from the rest of the ship. It might of just been a typo when putting in the values [edit]Beat me to it :'(
  19. I've only started exploring the new version, and I have to say I am impressed, especially with the new verniers. It allows you to redirect your craft whilst engaged, but does it so that it doesn't cause the rocket to crash either
  20. Basically what I've been using, but I'm sure the boosters clip into the platform, causing it unable to lift unless you manually fire the next stage
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