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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. Who says the twitch isn't good for anything? This second-generation orbital rescue bot turns out to be terrific at deorbiting space debris. Five 1T pieces in less than two hours if you include Sangola's rescue, which you should as that debris was deorbited too. All from from 80K orbits to re-entry and back. I probably could have done one more if I'd dared (including forward-facing RCS ports for emergency deorbiting would help me dare). It has one weakness -- darkness. Its "small" reaction wheel is thirsty, 100 battery can run out if you're doing a lot of dancing in the dark.
  2. If you don't land it yourself, nothing will land it for you, so, those stages are gone.
  3. As I understand it, the mk2+ cockpits got their weight increased to account for their impact tolerances. They kept boosting their mass until "re-entry without a parachute" stopped being a survivable option.
  4. It gives the game an out, in case the devs didn't happen to think of the exact progression you wanted to follow, or you play KSP to the point it gets old and you want to play a progression nobody else has thought of before.
  5. I didn't know this option existed and think I've been fighting it so something which reminded me of it would certainly have been useful for me.
  6. Someone illustrated the entire tech tree unlocked barely leaving the KSC, in less than a game hour, orbital certainly isn't necessary.
  7. I see. So different strategies essentially give you different tech trees instead of the one great-big tree, and all it takes to unlock is money. Is this a reasonable summary or have I got it ass backwards?
  8. If not that, what do you want? If the tree is discarded, and not all tech is available from the first, some other game logic will be needed to unlock parts. I'm not sure what your suggestion for that is.
  9. That's more what I had in mind. Some way to concentrate the thrust of a bunch of EM-drives into one unit like the bouncing ball executive toy, maybe. You couldn't do it with rockets and their escalating cost and decreasing efficiency, but since the cost and efficiency are constant... My point: It wouldn't be an exploit. It wouldn't be a kraken drive. It'd be physics properly behaving. Violating conservation of momentum just leaves it open to it.
  10. Better ways to exploit the em drive must exist -- again, by definition. That's the can of worms violating conservation of mass opens.
  11. Hey now, I was just starting to enjoy conversation and find common ground with someone legitimately discussing issues. Maybe off-topic but no reason it can't happen in this thread. Fairly serious. Not clubs-and-guns f fighting, of course, that would be silly. I mean red tape. KSP's European release was very late because of it. Whether their experience is worse than Capcom's I can't say. Are you serious? How would Sony know any of this without them going through the approval process? Isn't that what it's there for? It's obviously not for weeding out bugs.
  12. Careful, we don't know how long they had to fight to get approval in the first place. That it'd be faster is only a maybe. The process isn't a rubber-stamp. If it has issues it'll get sent back, if it has more issues, it'll get sent back, again. And the issues would be legal, not code related.
  13. There is an upper limit in achievable dv for stock reaction rockets in KSP somewhere below 10,000 m/s. Yours has no such limit. It also violates conservation of momentum, leaving it open for gaming in ways we haven't thought of yet but exist by definition.
  14. IOW, you don't believe it. That's fair enough, but doesn't leave much to be said. Perhaps you have a higher opinion of Microsoft than I do. You don't believe me, I don't believe you.
  15. No, they're not. You have to get the fuel to the rocket, and the longer it fires, the further away it will be. It's still subject to the tyrant. There's exactly one scenario that doesn't apply, asteroids, which are fuel-limited.
  16. I can think of boatloads of reasons they'd be quiet, none of which are loathing their customers. I'm hoping it's good news, but it may be bad. Either way they're running around like mad in there. Even if you consider them a strictly evil corporation, the console release must be their priority. The PC market is saturated, they need console to be profitable, if they don't fix it soon they're in trouble. Continuous monitoring sounds like a waste of time when 70% of the process is "hurry up and wait for Sony". Serious questions: Is there anything but a fix or refund which would satisfy you at this point? Is there anything but a fix or refund which would actually help the situation right now? Is there anything that would liquid you off more than a botched fix? Might that thing be a fix promised by <X> date and the deadline missed? My wild guess -- After a few false starts, they're holding their breath the same way we are. When the end comes it will be quick, but they're not making promises until they're sure.
  17. Wow, I'm not allowed to say that. Make no mistake, I agree with you entirely. Whether you love squad or hate them, they made a mistake. Unfortunately there's now little to do but wait.
  18. Fair enough, but there's things you might not realize. The rocket equation is a tyrant. Its penalties grow exponentially and impose hard limits on what is possible. Even ion drives only spare you a tiny bit, still being reaction drives. EmDrives are completely exempt from the tyrant -- the weight to power and cool one forever is constant, which violates conservation of momentum. Conservation of momentum is a rule which prevents us from building perpetual motion machines. Throw it out and you open the door to shenanigans, by definition. Someone will figure out a legit way to turn it into a star-crosser. The limits you impose don't really matter, as the penalties only stack linearly.
  19. Okay. We can't really help that either. Nobody's going to feel better until the patch is out. Now what?
  20. If your answer is a flat out "I do not believe you", fair enough, that's tough to argue with. Read this thread for counterexamples if you like, or don't. Circa much less than six weeks ago:
  21. You create the mod, you demonstrate it's not OP. Put it through its paces, show it off. RTG + emDrive = infinite dV, however, which is the fundamental problem with the concept.
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