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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. Yep, I knew it was less efficient. Not quite what I mean. The top two nozzles of an X would fire for up/down translation, for example, two nozzles on both sides.
  2. The "cannot assign" is gone! Progress! But it still doesn't work. I'll need to leave shortly. I'll try other suggestions after work today. [edit] I tried to be clever and commented out a line when I used the full path. Now that I just deleted it instead of commented, the sound effect DOES WORK. THANK YOU!
  3. Adjusting volume to 4.0 didn't work. Renaming the file to sound_vent_whump in case it demanded a 'vent' sound for a 'vent' action didn't work.
  4. Re-saving in audacity didn't work. Yes, saving as a sane 16-bit wav, not a 32-bit float wav, or an MP3-encoded WAV, or an Intel-compressed WAV, or any other funky kind of wav, just a normal 16-bit uncompressed little-endian PCM wav a la 1990. Mixing to mono didn't work. Adjusting volume to 2.0 didn't work. I wish there was more information to report. It just didn't work. The error message didn't change at all (well, the filename changed as I changed the filename, but that's it.)
  5. So it wasn't actually loading it earlier, when it said this? I know VLC can play almost anything, but the codec information can't lie and still work... It could be a newer revision of WAV than unity understands, perhaps, or some sort of non-WAV wrapper.
  6. To repeat: The WAV in question was downloaded from the internet. It's not some a weird kind of WAV, it's 16-bit little-endian PCM. It is not a quiet sound. Also, to repeat: ...unless you know this is a false alarm, errors are being logged of the 'cannot do this thing' sort. What causes this error? I'll try making the sound mono when I have time later today.
  7. I don't see any way to attach files to this forum, and doubt you want all 100kb of it spammed here. Literally all I did was place the .wav file where I mentioned, and text-replace sound-soft-vent like so inside rapierEngine.cfg: engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_whump volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } I've verified the .wav is 48000 16-bit stereo in VLC.
  8. Still working blind, here... I've edited the Rapier engine to use a different switching sound. I put the sound into GameData\Squad\Sounds and it definitely gets loaded: [LOG 21:25:12.857] Load(Audio): Squad/Sounds/sound_whump ...but can't be used: [LOG 21:26:10.359] Cannot assign AudioClip 'sound_whump' to AudioFX The wav file is 48KHz 16-bit stereo, which I thought was the appropriate kind.
  9. Probably the last one. But one wouldn't expect sensible results from that. You can put contradictory things in action groups already.
  10. Run in 64-bit mode. Run fewer programs. Turn off graphics-intensive themes. Run KSP in openGL mode if your card supports it well enough. Beyond that, having more RAM mostly amounts to...having more RAM. If you don't know if your crashes are RAM-related, they might not be.
  11. I am not a supergenius, so someone already thought of it. It's been on the bug tracker for 5 months. TriggerAu marked it as needs clarification, since then it's been quiescent. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9507 I've now done my best to clarify it.
  12. I'm guessing from the quiet that adding that to action-groups is impractical... Could there at least be a key for it? shift or ctrl [ ] to switch between valid control viewpoints on a ship?
  13. It might help if you asked a question And said what mods you were using. And when it crashed. et cetera.
  14. I sometimes rotate RCS thrusters 45 degrees, from + to X, to avoid their thrust hitting things and maximize use of space. This also lets me stack a linear thruster right beside them, "OX". This is somewhat less efficient, since you get sin(45) of the thrust, but may actually be stronger since two fire, for 2*sin(45) = 1.4 thrust.
  15. Well, technically, bi-unicycle. This was before I figured out how to properly drive it (i.e. clicking 'prograde'). You still had to lean forward while accelerating. Braking had to be done gently, but that's true with anything on Minmus. It was an awesome rocket car until Jeb wrecked it. Now it's just a ordinary, boring, non-rocket car.
  16. KSP version of this (0:50 onwards): https://youtu.be/09Ghbc9zZSs?t=49
  17. The modding information on the wiki seems very outdated... Where can one find up-to-date information?
  18. How difficult is it to add sounds to stock? I don't mean completely redoing them or adding sounds to new situations, just changing a .wav file for an engine.
  19. The Lammergeier E: 6 Kerbals plus 2 tons of whatever payload to orbit. The bay has batteries and solar cells within, too. A happy medium for most of my shuttling needs. There's also a 5-ton version with no passengers. I think I'm done obsessing on designing spaceplanes and can just use them for a while now.
  20. I wish I'd taken a screenshot, but I think we've all done one of these before: Forgetting to turn down the decoupler strength for a part held in a bay of some sort. Hitting 'space' converts a large, complex satellite into confetti...
  21. Another situation where quick switch of "control from here" would be useful: When you want the pilot to hold a severe angle above prograde, for example, when re-entering a spaceplane. You can "control from" a docking port rotated to the proper angle for re-entry, then switch back for normal flight. Control-from-here is very difficult to find when you need it in the 1.2 prerelease because of all the new controls added to the right-click menu.
  22. Lammergeier D6. The conversion from personell carrier to cargo carrier was painful... It spent 3/4 of re-entry in an uncontrollable tailspin until its velocity was low enough to regain control and land (yes, a real landing -- without stuff flying off!) I like to re-enter my spaceplanes at 45 degrees, where they get a hell of a lot of drag even at 55km altitudes, but they have such a pitch-forward tendency in that posture that this is always difficult. I'd like to re-enter without depending on the reaction wheel if possible. This may mean lengthening the wing to spread lift and drag forward.
  23. Wow, this is the first suggestion thread I've seen with absolutely no dissention whatsoever -- zero, nada, zilch. Usually there's good points for and against. Is this feature practical to implement, Squad?
  24. Many kinds of craft need this: VTOL's in hovering mode vs flying mode, spacecraft in flight vs docking mode, rover + skycrane, etc, etc. It'd be nice to be able to switch your control POV before you hit the freaking ground -- and would be nice to have a way to do it from inside a cockpit. Letting us put the 'control from here' option in a control group would let us do both. It'd also fix the odd rocket that wants to 'control from' undeground for no apparent reason. Just put 'control from here' in stage and it restores on launch and fixes PoV changes that might be caused by a change in stage.
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