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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. Mun orbits counter-clockwise. Try and aim a quarter-turn ahead of where it is at the moment to have a better chance of contacting it. You can get there with much, much, much less fuel, but I\'m sure you\'ll tune it better with practice.
  2. Turbojets burn for a long, long, long time, because they use air from the atmosphere -- you get to carry more fuel with you.
  3. It is very stable -- you don\'t even need the capsule SAS. It is also well-balanced -- leave it alone and it tends to fly level, roll and it will tend to bob upright. You can tune how much it pushes the nose up for you by adjusting the position of the small hardpoint. Moving it further back will give the aircraft a tendency to nose up. The controls are a bit sensitive, so fly with \'precision controls\' on (i.e. capslock). The instructions for takeoff are: [list type=decimal][li]Hit space[/li] It will take off and fly level from there, levelling off around 150 meters. Where it goes after that is up to you. A very nice aircraft to learn to fly with I think.
  4. The Turkey has landed! ALL of it. (Well, 90%.) Three linear RCS thrusters near the bottom give it enough oomph to manhandle the main engines into falling straight. And look how much fuel\'s left! Just ignore the broken engines... SAS has also been moved up to the top, and the coupler removed, as suggested.
  5. My first successful moon landing was a big mother, too, let him have his moment. He did it the fun way, going his own way instead of copying a tutorial... Congrats. You\'ve done something tricky at any speed. Now that it works, try slimming it down. Any tiny bit you pare off the lander will mean a LOT less fuel needed to move it a million kilometers, and a LOT less fuel needed to push it home. Also practice your orbits. The less fuel you need to orbit and deorbit, the more you have for landing and return.
  6. Ohhh, I see what you mean... Mass of coupler: 0.8 Mass of RCS fuel: 0.9 Might as well ditch the coupler and move RCS there.
  7. The Space Turkey, a rocket which reduces mass and conserves fuel by using ramjets to leave the atmosphere.
  8. Close to it, yes. If you want to be finicky, if you fly up with the green circle at the 45 degree mark, it runs out slightly before instead of slightly after that point. I\'m not sure if this is really an improvement however. I\'ve got some debris in the ocean from landed engines from when I was playing with the ramjet-booster concept at low altitudes. Theoretically, they can survive. In practice, you\'re so far away from them by the time they splashdown, the game just declares them dead.More importantly however... The ring-o-chutes looks fantastic I actually crashed on Minmus with 1.5 tanks of fuel left. (RCS fine-tuning the approach probably saved a bunch.) A better pilot than me could\'ve actually landed on the main engines. Sadly a master pilot I am not, but I am quick on the spacebar and managed to land the pod itself. (See the debris behind.) There\'s a reason I gave it six legs yes. I can lose up to two and still not tip Putting any more weight on that tiny engine cuts thrust down a LOT. Landing might in fact be easier, but you\'ll use more fuel, and might not make it home.Maybe if you moved the RCS fuel and thrusters to the main stage... Hmmm. Perhaps RCS is all that\'s necessary to land on puny Minmus. Worth a shot. I shall see what I can do, sir. Thank you.
  9. By using ramjets instead of solids to boost during the atmosphere, I\'ve been able to shrink my moon rockets dramatically and get there with more fuel than ever. Added image attachments since my host is down(literally, hit by a power surge) I made it to Minmus and back with it. How to launch: Throttle up to 100%, launch, wait for the ramjets to throttle up, then hit the boosters.
  10. All we need is Bill\'s reappearance to complete the triumvirate.
  11. Sidbald. Sidbald. He must have been beat up a lot as a little kerman.
  12. What I do is I aim to orbit kerbin, not to hit it. But make the low end really low, inside the atmosphere, below 40,000 feet you\'ll get lots of atmospheric resistance but not too much if you get the height right. This lets you kill a lot of velocity without killing a lot of fuel or enduring a lot of gees.
  13. Interesting arrangement on the landing fins. I\'d tried that but couldn\'t find the magic way to make it work. I\'d try making a smaller top stage, one tank, but add an RCS tank and 8 thrusters, so you can fine-tune your landing with IJKL keys. Half a tank on that should escape from Mun and put you right back to Kerbal if aimed right. Any reason its so tall? The taller it is, the harder it is to fly. You can substitute one set of tanks below a tricoupler for three stacked ones above...
  14. This is efficient because empty liquid tanks weigh as much as marshmallows, giving ludicrous gees when running mostly-empty. They\'re so light that jettisoning empty tanks costs you thrust -- the mass of decouplers will negate any benefit. Empty liquid tanks should be heavier, or a lot more fragile IMHO -- how does something that light hold itself up? Unfortunately changing that will break tons of designs, but what else is new? However: Throwing away a little mass saves a lot of fuel. They could have made the Saturn 1B much much smaller if they hadn\'t worried about getting the astronauts home; but it\'s not terribly realistic to throw away any chance at return.
  15. That, and this mod doesn\'t seem to be in any repositories anymore -- even though it still works >
  16. Probably old news now, but here\'s yet another rocket that goes to Mun and brings the pilots back to Kerbal alive. It uses one mod, the MicroEngine, though I don\'t consider that mod particularly unbalancing. I suppose ditching the microengine might even save you enough fuel to do without it, but it\'s handy in an emergency. Mark-1-Lunar.craft The launch procedure is a bit complicated. 1. Turn on SAS, RCS. 2. Launch. 3. Disable RCS once you exceed 30m/s, the canard fins will keep you steady enough. 4. Discard first six solids when they expire. This will also ignite the remaining three. 5. Discard the next three solids when they expire. 6. Discard the first liquid stage, ignite the second, and veer 45 degrees to the left. Use RCS if necessary, but remember you\'ll need RCS left to land on Mun. 7. Discard the three core engines when they run out of fuel. 8. Keep firing until your apogee is at 70km. 9. Wait until you\'re at 70km. 10. Circularize your orbit -- thrust mostly horizontally until your velocity becomes zero with apogee and perogee close to identical. 11. Fast-forward until you\'re at a 45-degree angle. 12. Adjust to point in your direction of motion, and accelerate hard until your apogee\'s just a hair inside Mun\'s. 13. Fast-forward until you\'re in Mun\'s orbit. 14. Adjust course thrusting toward Mun with the three main rockets until your course intercepts. 15. Wait until you\'re at 30,000m. Kill most of your velocity with the three main rockets until they run dry. 16. Eject the three main rockets. Woo, moon-littering! You\'re now down to the liquid+RTS+microengine core. 17. Wait until you\'re below 5,000m, then use the main engine to alter course as close to straight down as you can get. 18. Wait until you\'re below 2,000m. Turn on RTS and SAS. Fire the main engine straight down to reduce speed slowly. 19. Never let your speed get above 8m/s or below 3m/s. Use IJKL keys to fine-tune your sideways velocity into zero -- keep the green circle on the gyroball in the center. 20. Land. Shut off engines. You should have half a tank left. 21. Admire. 22. If your engine survived, take off, aiming directly for Kerbal(pink dot on gyroball). Don\'t overshoot in the mapview. 23. Fast-forward out of Mun\'s sphere of influence. Adjust course to orbit around Kerbal at 20,000m. 24. Ditch everything but the last stage. Aerobrake. This should keep re-entry forces survivable(below 9 gees). 25. Land. Powered, if you prefer, to scare the occupants less. 26. Profit.
  17. I am still waiting for my email. I got the paypal receipt, nothing more. [edit] Oookay. I had to do a deep scan of all my emails to find it. It does NOT come with KSP or preorder in the subject anywhere. It comes as some strange looking thing about 'electro chango'. Hidden deep inside is a preorder confirmation. I\'m still not sure this is the preorder confirmation since it contains nothing at all useful for downloading the program once it\'s finally available, no codes, nothing...
  18. All things considered, a ring of antiprotons is probably cooler than a ring of dust.
  19. Already done, which doesn't fix the source. If the OP says it's intentional, whatever, if it's not, he might want to know.
  20. If it's anything but purely decorative it matters.
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