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Everything posted by Arrowstar

  1. I couldn't duplicate this, can you give me some more information regarding how to get this error to show up?
  2. The burn is most likely in the wrong point in the orbit. Move the maneuver node around until you get the intersection you're looking for.
  3. Okay, fixed! See KSPTOT v1.6.4 pre-release 3 here. Here's the change log: Resolved an issue with comparing spacecraft generated body object IDs; LVD: Added patternsearch solver to the available optimization routines. @Drew Kerman, please let me know if this resolves (or not) your issue.
  4. I checked my "Surface Velocity" calculations in LVD against the last version of KER and KSP 1.7. They matched down to the hundredth of a meter per second for the four different cases I looked at, so I'm thinking that maybe you're pulling the wrong value from kOS or comparing the wrong thing from LVD. I would need to know more about the process you're using to be sure. Only other thought would be that if the rotational period/rate of the body you're comparing against is wrong, that would also do it. I checked Kerbin but not the other bodies, so if your data was from another body, that would be something to look into too.
  5. Hi everyone, Tonight I've built KSPTOT v1.6.4 pre-release 2. This build is a performance-enhancing build designed to decrease the amount of time it takes to run a script. Here's the change log: When the launch clamps are enabled, script propagation time has been decreased 5x to 10x for those events. Added a new option to events: the integrator initial step size. This can be used to improve propagator performance. The default value tends to work just fine in most cases, though. Some other minor performance tweaks. Right now I've only got the Windows build up because the Linux build is taking forever. But I'll add the linux binary to the ZIP when I have them done. Please let me know if you find any bugs. Thanks! @Drew Kerman, I haven't had time to look into the surface speed issue yet. It's on the agenda though.
  6. I'll dig into it more and see what I can come up with. Some preliminary tests I can didn't suggest anything was off but I'll need to check against KSP itself perhaps to see if that sheds any light.
  7. Hi everyone, This afternoon I've built the first pre-release of KSPTOT v1.6.4. This pre-release updates the following within Launch Vehicle Designer (LVD): Resolves an issue with the way non-sequential events are handled that could cause propagation to occur incorrectly. Enhances propagation performance by minimizing the number of times state data are copied. Added a validator that checks to see if a spacecraft is outside the SoI radius of the body it is currently orbiting. Good for knowing if you need to tick that "consider SoI" checkbox. The edit constraints dialog box now has tooltips for the listbox that shows the various constraints. Displays bounds and scale factors. Other minor performance tweaks. If you use the non-sequential events within LVD, please consider updating to this release as the bug fix is fairly important. Also please let me know if you see any issues with the way tank masses are being tracked, as this is directly impacted by bullet point #2. Thanks and happy orbiting!
  8. I added tooltips to the items in the Edit Constraints dialog box listbox. The format you had suggested didn't look good (too cluttered and possibility long) but the tooltip works alright. It'll be in the first v1.6.4 build. Can I get a MAT file? If you're flying east, then surface velocity will be less than orbital velocity because the surface is rotating in the same direction as your orbit. The surface of the Earth at the equator is moving 0.4 km/s so this is not that surprising. But if you still think it's off and can provide a MAT file I'll take a look. I'll take a look. EDIT: Resolved for the next release.
  9. You can think of it as the center of mass of the rocket. Yes, I know this moves as fuel drains, but that effect is so small that its impact on vehicle performance is negligible. In other news, life has calmed down a bit so hopefully I can get to some of the comments that have been posted here in the past month.
  10. Hello everyone! This evening I'm pleased to announce the release of the KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.6.3. This release brings with it a host of new functionality across the spectrum of the KSPTOT application suite. The biggest new announcement is the inclusion of a new tool, the Vehicle Sizing Tool, or VST! The purpose of the Vehicle Sizing Tool is to allow KSP engineers to optimize vehicle masses while still hitting required mission delta-v across any number of mission phases and vehicle stages. As an example, you can use VST to plan a mission from Kerbin to Eve and back again, accurately sizing the vehicle for each leg of the journey and each stage of each of those legs. Never again will you need to question whether you've brought enough propellant on your interplanetary missions! Or even just those short hops to Low Kerbin Orbit. Other enhancements include some new Graphical Analysis tasks for Mission Architect (MA) and Launch Vehicle Designer (LVD), as well as a host of performance improvements and bug fixes for the same. Multi Flyby Maneuver Sequencer (MFMS) has also gotten a bit of love this go around with some new functionality for constraining your preliminary planetary tour mission designs. Finally, there is a new Launch Vehicle Designer tutorial included in the download package. Entitled "Eve: The Final Frontier", this tutorial walks users through a complete mission analysis cycle for a complete Eve-and-Back mission. Here's the complete change log: NEW TOOL: Vehicle Sizing Tool (VST). Allows engineers to optimize a spacecraft or launch vehicle's mass while targeting mission Delta-V or a variety of mission phases and vehicle stages. NEW TUTORIAL: "Eve: The Final Frontier", a Launch Vehicle Designer tutorial. LVD: Added third body gravity force model. LVD: Fixed bug with setting the initial state of t2t and e2t connections (if there were none of those types of connections). LVD: Fixed bug with setting the initial state of t2t and e2t connections (if there were none of those types of connections). LVD: Converted the velocity components of the body fixed initial state frame to use az el and magnitude LVD: Can now plot body-fixed rotating trajectories as well as 2D lat/long ground tracks. MEA: Resolved issue with maneuver node import. KSPTOT RTS: Resolved issue where the RTS host wasn't being saved (getting overridden with empty str) LVD/MA: Added tooltips to the optimization var bars in the observe optim GUI. RMS: Now can minimize only the first burn of the burn seq. RMS: Better plotting for hyperbolic orbits. MA: Fixed string error in InsertDVManeuver MA: Added a burn dv magnitude to the insert dv maneuver UI. MA: Fixed a bug with the lb/ub textboxes not being disabled when burn type changed. LVD/MA: Added a new C3 constraint to MA and LVD. LVD: Fixed plotting children bodies around Sun (or top level solar system body) LVD: Added new Eve sample return mission case LVD: Fixed title of Set Stage State UI. LVD: Fixed issues with deleting variables improperly LVD: Fixed issue with thrust being reported incorrectly if throttle is > 0 but all connected tanks to an engine are empty. Now reports zero for that engine as expected. LVD: Fixed issue when trying to create an Add Mass to Tank action LVD: Added ability to activate/deactivate constraints without deleting them. LVD: Added undo/redo states to most of the integrator/optimization option menu callbacks MA: Added line width to Other Spacecraft LVD: Added Mission Notes like MA LVD: Fixed issue with stop watch termination condition LVD: New Cd default for aero drag state is 0.3 MA: Added a GA task for "elevation of celestial body". MA: Ground stations can now be placed down to the center of central bodies (allowable altitude range changed). MFMS: Added ability to include or not departure and arrival Vinf from the MFMS objective function MFMS: Added arrival VInf vector components MA/LVD: Title bar for application now only shows file name and not file path of currently loaded file. MA/LVD: Added atmo press and density tasks to GA MA: UI now prompts users to change other s/c name when importing if name is not the default New Spacecraft MA/LVD: Added Mach Number GA task LVD: Resolved issue with non sequential events that occur immediately at the start of a sequential event causing the integration to go to the limits. LVD: Updated some LVD Example MATs to fix non satisfied constraints. ...and many more LVD performance enhancements and some other minor applicaton-wide bug fixes. As usual, the download is available in the first post of this thread. If you have any questions or discover any bugs, please drop me a line in some fashion to let me know and I'll do my best to address it! In particular, it would be great if those using the Linux version could provide any feedback on how it's working out. There are some known graphical issues, but those aside, if you discover any bugs that appear to be Linux-related, please let me know. Thanks! Finally, if you enjoy using KSPTOT and its many applications (the Porkchop Plotter, Multi-Flyby Maneuver Sequencer, Mission Architect, Launch Vehicle Designer, and all the rest), please consider buying me a coffee via my Ko-Fi account to support KSPTOT's development. As I note in the first post of this thread, KSPTOT is a labor of love that I have put many, many hundreds of hours into for the benefit of the KSP community. The best part of it for me, aside from knowing that KSPTOT is the premier mission design tool for KSP, is all the thank you notes I've received over the years. I offer this as another way to say "Thank you!", if you so desire. In any event, I hope you all enjoy! Happy orbiting!
  11. Okay thanks! It would be great if this could be a near term feature of FAR.
  12. In Launch Vehicle Designer, if there was a way for users to input drag coefficient and area (probably as a product, Cd*A) as a table with respect to Mach number, angle of attack, and side slip angle, would this be useful? @Drew Kerman?
  13. Oh right. I'll probably put in a quick dialog box that prompts the user to select if they want the name updated or not if the name is not the default name. Good suggestion.
  14. Does FAR have a method of outputting data from it's VAB/SPH analysis tools to a file?
  15. Correct. This was purely to update some gravitational parameters in the included file based on newer data released by NASA JPL.
  16. Hi everyone, Tonight I've compiled the 9th pre-release of KSPTOT v1.6.3. Here's the change log: Updates to the included bodiesSolarSystem.ini file, primarily in the gravitational parameter of the included bodies. MA/LVD: Title bar for application now only shows file name and not file path of currently loaded file. LVD/MA: Open/Save_As functions now remember the last selected location. Please let me know if you find any bugs or see any other issues. Thanks!
  17. I've done the latter. Will be in the next release. Done. I actually thought it was doing this, so definitely a bug. Whoops...
  18. No, it doesn't check or uncheck any of the boxes. That's the beauty of it, actually: if you want to easily disable optimization temporarily on an event, you can do so with one menu option, and then restore it with that same menu option. No more tedious clicking and all that.
  19. Basically it just removed any variables and constraints associated with that event from being included in the optimization process. It's way easier than having to check and uncheck those checkboxes every time you want something to stay the same (or start optimizing again).
  20. Hi everyone, I have another pre-release ready to go tonight, KSPTOT v1.6.3 pre-release 8. The change log for this one is fairly brief: MFMS: Added options to include or not departure and arrival hyperbolic excess velocities, as well as constrain those quantities with upper bounds. Vehicle Sizing Tool: Cleaned up the default values when you open it. Some code refactoring under the hood. Please let me know if you find any bugs or issues I haven't yet addressed. I'm thinking we're getting close to an official release here. Happy orbiting!
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