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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. What does that have to do with anything at all? I play games that are years and years old (we all do) does that mean they stop working? Obviously, I\'m on version .14.
  2. Whenever I set a craft (in this case, my space station) all the parts disappear from the list, so my engines and stuff are not functional. I can still see them, no damage is done, but they won\'t work. In the debug window I get TypeLoadException Could not load type (Part) any ideas?
  3. Hey, I have all the mods listed, but when I go to open it says probekitantenna.Comms is missing. I see I have the probekitantenna part, but nothing about comms. Are you sure everything is listed/no other changes?
  4. Got the plugin, what exactly does the zo2 filter do? I have that plugin, but not sure what your part does..
  5. I\'d like to launch two craft in orbit, ideally pretty close together, but I don\'t really understand all the different settings. Are there any tutorials or can anyone help me out? Thanks!
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