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Everything posted by moxzot

  1. Well this wasnt my first but it was a close second http://imgur.com/a/YegZV
  2. Well im not finished dev on mine yet but http://youtu.be/3BQDVC6kx3A
  3. I wanted to add this some time late this year to some time next year hopefully unity 5 comes out which means ksp might get ported to it and with that comes multi core physics processing which would make this game at least 4x as good as it is or at least for me seeing as how i have 8 cores
  4. so is this with the real solar systems mod if so nice if not then wow this is so over engineered
  5. so i found out after i got my desktop that my old crappy laptop could have run ksp perfectly its the physics it would suck at the gpu is barely used like 1-2% i have yet to see it get higher then that
  6. ok so now im curious how would you put a rocket on the crawler
  7. yea it was a typo XD i didnt see it cause i was to busy trying to get the thought out
  8. Well what i was basically stating was when in atmosphere make the flames look like normal flames and once in a vacuum make the flames spread out the altitude was just a reference
  9. So i was wondering if you could make all the engines go from solid flame to spread flame like the new poodle effects at say 45000 km
  10. bac9 i'm not exactly sure what im looking at but those new parts are so killer i could never build like taverius but man if only i could
  11. you know at one point someone should grow a brain and look through the tread for posts of there problem so you wouldnt have to repeat yourself 20 times
  12. to the guys that keep getting the archive errors maybe your antivirus stopped it for some unknown reason or your download was interrupted cause ive had not problems with spaceport download
  13. i would agree but i dont know if it could possibly use pagefile i dont know the limitations of unity
  14. sucks that ksp keeps all the parts loaded in memory if only it could keep the parts not in use loaded but not in memory
  15. i figured out my problem i was over the awesome limit cause you cant have to many awesome mods installed..... so i deleted one and kept b9
  16. also the turbines on one of the engines are spinning in reverse just a visual thing nothing big i thought it was funny Edit : i just figured out why when you brake with the engines on the blades go in reverse but never turn back even when going forward XD lovely unintentional lols
  17. So the guy that answered me thinks its a out of ram crash well then i guess ill take out ksp interstellar and see if i can run the b9 pack cause i like it
  18. Idk if it is B9 aerospace that is doing this ---> Write to location 00000008 caused an access violation. Or what it even means i would love to have some info on it or a way to fix it.
  19. wow that was faster then i expected the release bac9 and traverius you guys are awesome
  20. man i was waiting for this pack to update for .22 but after i saw that landing gear i really want it XD so amazing
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