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Everything posted by BeefTenderloin

  1. Dude, just treat it like a orbital rendezvous. Get close to the planet, then adjust your orbit until your patched conics shows a capture. I did that, and it got me to Duna and Ike before everyone else, because I wasn't rushing around looking for a protractor and a calculator, haha
  2. Can one add the delta V of each stage together to figure out the total DV of a rocket?
  3. Figures = Time travelling Kerbanauts! Also, Sometimes, on the moon starting screen, you will see a kerbal go whizzing by on his EVA pack!
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, may I present to you... *Drum roll* THE FIRST EVER DUNA ORBIT AND IKE ORBIT OF 0.17! http://imgur.com/a/NFS5u If you have achieved an 0.17 first, post it here! Doesn't matter what it is!
  5. unfortunately so. Come on, devs - give us docking nao
  6. 190 veiws, 1 reply. Tough crowd. shameless self bump
  7. OP has been updated with the next part of the story
  8. It was a pain trying to get them lined up, but eventually I succeeded
  9. I was looking around the addons section of our forum, and I discovered something that piqued my interest - Erkle's Docking Mod. Now, as any self respecting kerbonaut would do, I downloaded this, and whacked it onto a space station, and a rocket. Here is what followed. DOCKED! Meanwhile, inside the pod of the shuttle... (I HAVE NO SCREENSHOTS OF THIS - SORRY (<font size="0">TL;DR I UNDOCKED, NOTICED I HADN'T ADDED PARACHUTES, THEN REDOCKED... JUST READ THE STORY.)) <font size="2"> Bill - "And we're undocked. Damn, that was a scary mission." Jorrim - "WHY AM I HERE?! I HATE ROCKETS!" Bill - "Jebediah, why are you staring at the control panel?" *Jeb shuffles over to bill* Jeb - "<font size="0">There are no parachutes on this thing." <font size="2">Bill - "<font size="+1"> WHAT?!<font size="2">" Jeb - "Shhh. Just follow me." Jorrim - "G...g..guys? Why are we redocking? Jeb - "Just enjoying the view Jorry." Bill - "Yeah... The view." Jorrim - "It's too high up! What if we fall?!" Jeb - "Did you even listen in training? Anyway-I'm going to go and get some fresh air." *Jeb hops out of the pod* Bill - "Fresh air... In space?" (On his radio to the space station) Jeb - Hey guys, me and Bill are kinda tired, mind if we stay a while?" Anwell - "Uh... I'll just clear that with mission command." Anwell - "Yeah, mission command have cleared that, but what about Jorrim?" Jeb - "Oh, him. He said he's fine, and he just wants to get back down as soon as possible." Anwell - "Ok. Come aboard!" *Jeb heads back to the pod* Jeb - "Come on Bill, they want us to stay on the station for some... science?" Bill - "Oh, heh.. o..okay." Jorrim - "What about me?" Jeb - "Don't worry, just press the big red button that says 'undock', then push the throttle to max for about thirty seconds, then just... enjoy the ride." *Jeb and Bill leave and enter the space station's crewtank* Jorrim - "Okay, just do as Jeb said... He's good at this, right? I guess it can't go wrong at all!" MEANWHILE IN THE STATION Jeb - "Dude, we are such d*cks... hahaha!" Bill - "Yeah - That'll be Jorrim's first death!" Jeb - "Let's just hope he isn't too mad at us when they regrow him!" "Okay, time to pop these chutes... thank god I'm safe now!" "THERE'S NO PARACHUTES! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, JEB!" SOME TIME LATER... The rocket to bring home the crew. Thunk Try again FINALLY Note - During the docking, the engine of the ferry was knocked off. I had to attempt to deorbit using the station's engine... WITH the ferry docked. Centrifuge mode - engage! So, this was all well and good, burning whenever I happened to be pointing retrograde, however there came a point where I wasn't doing anything useful by burning retrograde, so I time warped to apoapsis. When I went out of time warp - this happened.
  10. Yeah, I did! Bob got a lucky break there - Bill 'took the fall' as it were.
  11. All manual I seem to have suddenly gone from uncapable of rendezvous, to being able to perform a really good one, I have a couple of spaceships in perfect orbits, about 10 ft away from eachother, not moving on time warp, haha! My only gripe is that the craft will rotate when not in use. It'd be nice if it remembered SAS was on, even if it just meant putting it's direction on rails.
  12. Gather round children, for I have a tale for you! 'Tis the tale of my first Shuttle, Rendezvous, and flying of something plane-like! Sorry that I don't have pictures on the pad, I never intended to do this until the rendezvous, and it seems I have not saved the craft. I will rebuild it and maybe attach it to this post. ANYWAY! Here, take the album (Warning - LOTS OF PHOTOS): http://imgur.com/a/4nRCc#0
  13. It's "Well excuuuuuse me, princess!" GET IT RIGHT DEWD
  14. I have a space station with a large battery, and eight of the Power thingy addon solar panels, but it doesn\'t generate Z02, even when pointing at the sun! Help.
  15. Good job, but the aim was to get the entire pole in a single picture. Feel free to try again!
  16. Mods are allowed, with the exception of infinite fuel tanks, etc.
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