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  1. Hi all, this is my first post on these forums. I seem to have discovered a bug that I think has been mentioned by a couple people already scattered around. Something involving solar panels and this mod is messing up power consumption. I have tested this on a rig that has a reactor and a solar panel. When the Panel is not active, it creates and consumes no power, but when it is deployed, it seems to require as much power as it produces, and it yields a net zero result. I first discovered this when I launched my solar farm. It shouldve had the capacity of something like 3GW of beamed power, yet was producing something like 7 KW of beamed power, the rest all being required by the "DC Electrical System" I guess for now I'll stick with nuclear only until this is resolved. Or, if I did something wrong and I made a dumb, please let me know. Thanks
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