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Everything posted by jjdacl

  1. I have the same issue. KSP bought direct from the ksp store. Just tested with the latest version 1.0.4 Launcher_Data\output_log.txt shows https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/dp/patcher/releases/production/win/Patcher.zip -> C:/Stuff/KSP/Launcher_Data/../Patcher.zip If I enter "https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/dp/patcher/releases/production/win/Patcher.zip" I get redirected to the homepage and this homepage html is what is being saved in the Patcher.zip Any suggestions on a fix? I can manually download Patcher.exe from http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Patcher, but when I run that it freezes and I just get this in it's log: 06/26/2015 12:48:43 PM [iNFO ]: Squad Patcher (6805581-production b master) - Apollo I Edition 06/26/2015 12:48:43 PM [iNFO ]: --------------- 06/26/2015 12:48:43 PM [iNFO ]: OS: Windows (win) 06/26/2015 12:48:43 PM [DEBUG ]: Handing everything over to Qt. Hold onto your butts. 06/26/2015 12:48:58 PM [DEBUG ]: Crash? .. So is the patcher currently totally broken?
  2. This is awesome! Thank you. :-) Now I know why deadly re-entry isn't showing up in career mode!
  3. Rendezvous is available in the SVN source. It\'s just commented out. For anyone who is really adamant about it, you can recompile the code yourself with it back in.
  4. v1.9 works fine with 0.16. You probably have an old version of mechjeb messing stuff up. [li]Delete all the mumech* stuff from the parts and plugins folder.[/li] [li]Open KSP and check it\'s loading ok.[/li] [li]Extract v1.9 of mech jeb.[/li]
  5. A little more on the autom8 stuff. I found a script in a pastebin and modified it a bit. This will fly you to the Mun and land, fully automatically with no user input. It\'s pretty cool. Just paste this into the autom8 window and hit execute. Change the numbers in the last line to where you want to land. function MunDriver(lat, lon) print 'Launching...' mechjeb.launchTo(125000, 0) wait(mechjeb.free) print 'TMI...' mechjeb.transfer('Mun', 200000) wait(mechjeb.free) print 'Warping to SoI...' mechjeb.warpToEvent('soi') wait(mechjeb.free) print 'Correcting Pe...' mechjeb.changePe(200000) wait(mechjeb.free) print 'Warping to Pe...' mechjeb.warpToEvent('pe', 30) wait(mechjeb.free) print 'Circularizing...' mechjeb.circularize(200000) wait(mechjeb.free) print 'Landing...' if (lat == nil or lon == nil) then mechjeb.land() else mechjeb.landAt(lat, lon) end end function Mun(lat, lon) local co = coroutine.create(MunDriver) coroutine.resume(co, lat, lon) end Mun(12.46,39.21)
  6. For anyone looking to get started on the autom8 stuff, here below is the API. This is not official. Just my own notes after looking through the source code on SVN. MechJeb API =========== Ascent AutoPilot ---------------- launchTo(altitude [in meters], inclination [in degrees]) Landing AutoPilot ----------------- land() returns null landAt(latitude, longitude) or landAt(latitude, longitude, bool autoWarpOnDescent) returns null Core ---- controlClaim() returns boolean controlRelease() returns boolean attitudeGetReferenceRotation(reference) returns LuaTable(vector3d) attitudeWorldToReference(vector, reference) returns LuaTable(vector3d) attitudeReferenceToWorld(vector, reference) returns LuaTable(vector3d) attitudeTo(vector, reference) returns boolean attitudeDeactivate() returns boolean attitudeAngleFromTarget() returns angle in degrees between the vessel\'s current pointing direction and the attitude target, ignoring roll distanceFromTarget() returns distance relativeVelocityToTarget() returns LuaTable(vector3d) targetName() returns target name landActivate() returns boolean landDeactivate() returns boolean warpIncrease() or warpIncrease(bool instant, double maxRate) returns boolean warpDecrease() or warpDecrease(bool instant) returns null warpMinimum() or warpMinimum(bool instant) returns null warpPhysics() or warpPhysics(bool instant) returns null autoStageActivate() or autoStageActivate(double stagingDelay, int stageLimit) returns null autoStageDeactivate() returns null launch() returns null getAttitudeActive() returns null getControlClaimed() returns null busy() returns boolean free() returns boolean Orbital Operations ------------------ changePe(periapsis [in meters]) returns null changeAp(periapsis [in meters]) returns null changeApAndPe(apoapsis[in meters], periapsis [in meters]) returns null circularize() returns null transfer(target body, final periapsis [in meters]) returns null warpToEvent(event) or warpToEvent(event, lead time) returns null
  7. Ok ok! ;-) Proper stock version attached to my first post. In my defence, I did say:
  8. This is looking awesome. Great work! I assume you\'re going to do an X-wing next? ;-) (pretty please!!)
  9. Kerbals and kerberellas, may I present to you my little buggy. I wanted to make a moon rover that would be able to self right for take off, so I can cover more ground in searching for munoliths. It uses both space plane wheels and regular landing legs. After landing, you just have to give it a little nudge to flip it onto it\'s side and which ever way it falls, you have yourself a rocket powered buggy! Go easy on the thrust! Also go easy on the brakes. It\'s very easy to flip it. This version attached below uses MechJeb (and the Muon detector) as I have the flying ability of dyslexic hamster, but you can easily copy what I\'ve done here and fly it yourself with 100% sock parts. For the most streamlined take off, I recommend manually retracting all legs.
  10. This is a bit off topic, but I thought other budding kerbalnaughts would appreciate this. CPA Australia, CEO Alex Malley interviews Neil Armstrong: http://thebottomline.cpaaustralia.com.au/#episode1
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