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Everything posted by TheThing345

  1. After some testing I found out it's actually a little slower, but still pretty fast
  2. KSP Community is the friendlest I've ever, and I mean EVER seen.
  3. Looks almost identical to the real F-86 Sabre! Just gotta imagine all the USAF emblems. Has a decent speed (around 220 m/s at sea level) and handles really well. Download: http://www./download/dcc6yr16ajcpx0r/F-86_Sabre.craft
  4. I found that out the rather hard way when I tried to look after my rover, to find it 800m below the sea level... The terrain changes are actually quite big, it's like one side of the planet is just a huge continent with very little water and lots of mountains, while the other side is very beachy. Also, the terrain colour is slightly different. Before: After: Lotsa beaches
  5. Bartman Kerman is best Kerman. Not very surprising, Bartman Kerman is also as dumb as a bread, smiling all the time
  6. My very first mun landing ended with the extremely inefficient lander (had a skipper engine) stranding. Jeb Bill and Bob were rescued shortly after and I kept the lander as a memory of my very first sucessful landing.
  7. Genegun Kerman was fired as a leader of my space station, while Scott Kerman (he obviously knows things about his business) was promoted.
  8. Not really something you could call "military", but it's quite unique in my opinion. A rather small weapon module for my space station, with 6 orbital bombs (actually designed to be missiles, but I'm dumb and forgot to add batteries/solar panels for the probe core), and 2 long range missiles. The bombs are capable of establishing and impact orbit or being fired at (theoretical) intruders.
  9. My space station with a very unoriginal name (KSS - Kerbal Space Station), but with rather unique parts. Left: a small weapon module with 6 orbital bombs and 2 long range missiles Right: Long range communication antenna And that's supposed to be the "conference room", where all kinds of crazy **** is being discussed It's on the outside because of the nice view, and so that noone will hear them scream at eachother.
  10. Actually Eve isn't cold at all. It's around 150 degrees hot at sea level. Also devs are planning to actually let you feel that hotness, as in a superheated atmosphere. (engines extremely overheating)
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26935-0-20-Ioncross-Crew-Support-Plugin/page20 There
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...-Plugin/page20
  13. Went to eeloo using scott manley's design, didn't have enough fuel for returning though... apparently scott either got a better launch window or is smarter than mechjeb. But since that handsome guy in the middle was Jeb, I just couldn't leave them stranded out there and ended the flight. Getting there took me like 2 years and a 55 minute burn to encounter it.
  14. Figured out that Ike is the most boring, darkest moon in the entire solar system. The permanent darkness there took me like 10 tries to actually land without exploding/losing parts that I need for returning. Also devoloping a quite easy 2-part interplanetary ship that will get me anywhere, if I do it right. (Alright it's basically the same design scott manley uses in his eeloo mission, but it will get me anywhere!)
  15. While landing a rover on Eve, I noticed it has some really nice effects at night. The rover came down safely by the shore ...and Billy-Bobdrin decided to take a bath in the 120 degree warm, radioactive, toxic water. Why not? Minmus has quite the trippy surface I may safely assume that I am one of the few persons that have a conference room on their space station... on the outside And there, my Duna base crew. Why are they smiling though... they're going to stay there for a lifetime. No, this is not just a big lander. It's a base. Really.
  16. Tried that out aswell, you can get to surface level without exploding. Though you explode as soon ad you touch the ground. Thermomethers gave me 14 degrees at 500 m away from kerbol's surface.... colder than kerbin.
  17. Alright this sounds really dumb, but how to properly backup saves? I use as few mods as possible, since I find they kind of take the challenge away, also mods always cause trouble with updates. So, what to backup? Just the save itself? The entire KSP folder? Also, is it possible to 'lose' (corrupt) a save if you use mods and the game updates?
  18. Is the nuke supposed to have a bigger explosion than the default explosion? Installed everything correctly but nukes and missiles have default explosion effects :/
  19. So... I have absolutely no clue how to use the WT-51. I've been trying to get the craft included in the download to duna for like 3 days now, everytime yelling "How is this possible?!" Alright you start of with just the 4 VTOLs, go really high up, shut down the VTOLs, activate the rear engine. That's the theory, right? However, the rear engine is that poor that it doesn't change my apoapsis in the slightest. So I managed to break out of kerbin orbit by just firing all 5 engines, giving me a sun trajectory. Then comes the difficult part. How do I rendezvous with the planets? Firing all 5 engines gives me really weird things, the rear engine alone takes me a 10 minute burn for duna and the VTOLs alone just shift my sun orbit around, not extending it or anything. How do I do this?
  20. And how exactly am I supposed to use this? That link gives me the written craft file, not a download... Trying to put that written file into a .txt, then change it into a .craft gives me a 1-part ship and crashes my game... EDIT: Nvm, I'm stupid and didn't notice how long the bar to the right was...
  21. I once had the sunbeam laser mod, which targets anything, locks on the target, then fires a destructive beam of hot protones. But since I can't find that mod anymore, I try to de-orbit it if possible but mostly just leave it be.
  22. I actually sent a manned probe (capsule + chute) there for future personel AND surface finding. But my fuel was low and the orbit it sent me in let me land at the exact opposite side of the planet, so yeah. I aimed for somewhere very near the pole, for water and realism Though that hill is actually a very small crater and I still have enough fuel to land at the bottom of that crater so everything is fine
  23. In the end, 3 poodles with 3 nukes as a transfer stage below did it Unfortunately I landed at a hill which makes navigating at that base pretty hard since the atmosphere is really thin there at 2.5km but that doesn't really matter as my kerbals will be staying in that base forever for... science! Now I would change the prefix to answered if I knew how...
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