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Everything posted by VenereanSoviet

  1. Here is my current desktop background, its my 'Evensk 1' Probe on its closest fly by of Eve with the Sun just rising above the horizon (I added a bit of Photoshop sprinkles and glitter)
  2. Thanks, I hope he at least takes a look at it, even if it doesn't give him any ideas.
  3. Hello! After I recently found out about the plan to expand the Kerbol System in the future, I thought I would make some concept art for one of the Gas Giants and its Moons. Now time to go into more detail; Lirinda's most notable features are its 3 large blue spots contain less Methane and more Helium than the rest of the plant (The Helium in these spots make up 16% of the Helium in Lirinda's atmosphere) These spots have magnetic field lines coming out of them, scanning of the core of the planet reveals 3 lumps in the same area of these spots, possible indicating a large planet that split in 3 large pieces before colliding and merging. Quintus is not that interesting, but it has a small, but extremely molten core, its magnetic field interacts with its parent body's magnetic fields. Nobody know why it has a molten core as the tidal forces affecting the moon are extremely weak if not no tidal forces at all. Varion has a crust of Sylvite, suggesting a much more wetter and then extreme hot past, possibly it was in a orbit closer to Kerbol before interacting with a planet being put into a eccentric orbit where it took it close to Kerbol then far away where it was captured. Varion is affected by tidal forces causing volcanic eruptions which spout Nitrogen which interacts with other chemicals in the atmosphere and rain down as nitric acid and this process has created 2 lakes of nitric acid, one of these lakes have a delta traveling from it. During stormy seasons, the delta floods and expands causing it to create a shallow basin around it which will eventual be deep enough to become a lake.
  4. My first post ,now on topic, I recently made this rocket design by using the Gemini Capsule addon (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6024.0) and Novapunch Remix fuel tanks and liquid engines (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.0) which I retextured, I hope you like it, if you want to reply with any ideas on how I can improve feel free, I still have not finished the textures yet so I will add more detail in the future. Some Ingame images: (Note, I couldn\'t find a image of the second stage (Even if it had one))
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