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Everything posted by colmo

  1. You couldn\'t log activity indefinitely - you\'d need to either limit it to the last few hours (or however long makes sense for the amount of data generated), or have a key bound to start and stop logging. The replayer wouldn\'t need to be in-game - it could be a separate application, just feed it log files.
  2. I\'ve intented a yaw control device for the helicopter blades - it would probably work for VTOL engines too. I call it the Torque-twist Rotatron.
  3. Here\'s a snippet of code to insert in the Bigtrak\'s part.cfg file that automatically provides a cabin-view camera using r4m0n\'s new camera mod. // Camera settings for chickenplucker\'s Bigtrak: MODULE { name = MuMechModuleHullCamera cameraName = Bigtrak_Cockpit cameraForward = 0, 0, 1 cameraUp = 0, 1, 0 cameraPosition = 0, 0.6, 1.4 } Screenshot:
  4. I present to you, the Colmo-Korp Torque-Twist Helicopter! Very few Kerbals were harmed in the development of this product. Accompanying this release is the Colmo-Korp modified Damned Robotics Fast Rotatron, necessary to make the Torque-twist device work. Just unzip the contents into your Parts directory. It\'s still brutally hard to hover motionless - a hair of forward momentum is still much easier to control. With the Torque-twist device, you can however arrest those previously fatal low-altitude flat spinouts, allowing more precision on low-speed, if not dead-drop, landings.
  5. Best. Soundtrack. Ever. Kubrick had a record of pissing off writers with his directorial style, which is something of an acquired taste. His treatment of actors was sometimes interesting too - Malcolm McDowell still has a phobia to this day of eye-drops due to a scene in A Clockwork Orange.
  6. I\'ve invented a method of yaw control for the chopper blades. I call it the Torque-twist Rotatron: I made a fast rotatron (speed = 2000, which is a bit too much!), and attached winglets. The idea was to generate adjustable thrust sideways, but the torque twist was far greater, so I laid it down on the horizontal axis instead. It flicks the tail around like a cat. The chopper needs to be rebalanced, so very much in the \'sacrifice many, many Kerbals\' stage, but the proof of concept works. Ideally, I\'d use symmetrical attachments with no actual lift, to keep right-left lift symmetry perfect. The other downside is the digital nature of the device, not that those using keys will notice.
  7. An action replay facility. Now this is doable. The consoles can do it, such as with the Dirt games, so I can\'t see why KSP could not.
  8. That would explain much. I did try using RCS to substitute and it just made for a very weird handling chopper. Planes and choppers are very reluctant to turn on the rudder - with this one, it actually mostly just causes it to bank the wrong way, which is why I\'ve given up using rudder much. If we had multiple throttles, and engines with forward and reverse, that would mean we could have engines pointed in different directions doing different things. That way, a tiny prop on the back would be able to yaw the craft in both directions without the necessity of airspeed. I can imagine that would require mountains of work and break loads of things, though.....! I\'ll see if I can make a MkIII that can hover successfully. All this would not be possible without your Dmaned Aerospace mod, DYJ, so thanks again :thumbup:
  9. No, they just help the chopper rotate on rudder, but mainly stop a flat spin. I find I fly this bird on forward pitch and roll mostly, the horizontal velocity helping the winglets do their work. ATM, it doesn\'t hover that well, as it\'ll still spin. Once DYJ gives us a tail rotor (3 tonne hint! Pretty please?) they\'ll be redundant.
  10. KSP has enough trouble rendering one scene at a decent frame-rate, let alone a TV studio of them....!
  11. After a bit of testing, I\'ve figured that - I was trying to get tanks to drain in parallel, not series. A bugbear of mine with KSP. They\'re a bugger to remove (hard to get at the nodes, so not much of a priority. I\'ve attached a craft file with fixed hoses. This way, they drain from the side first, then the back.I can say that when about half full of fuel, as the rear tank drains first, it\'s very hard to hover! The landing was a rolling stop. Really, really need a tail rotor. When hovering without surface velocity, there\'s nothing to stop a flat spin, as the upright winglets don\'t work.
  12. Not sure if it\'s been done before, but I just landed a chopper at KSC2. More than enough fuel for a round trip, and even dropped a MechJeb BigTrak off on the way.
  13. The Colmo-Korp Helicopter MkII is possibly the first helicopter to land at KSC2. It took about 2 hours, with a primary mission of delivering a Bigtrak to the mountains near KSC1 first. If I\'d held unto it, I\'d have a MechJebb equiped Bigtrak to roam KSC2. That bird used 275kg of fuel in all, and has 325kg left, ample for a return trip.
  14. Do you get any credit for doing it with a helicopter? It took about 2 hours, with a primary mission of delivering a Bigtrak to the mountains near KSC1 first. If I\'d held unto it, I\'d have a MechJebb equiped Bigtrak to roam KSC2. That bird used 275kg of fuel in all, and has 325kg left, ample for a return trip!
  15. Not at all. Go ahead Great! So is it the CH or Saitek? I was checking out the Saitek in a Currys Megastore today, looks a very decent unit. The three levers on the quadrant unit included look to be overkill, though...until we get individual engine throttles, anyway!
  16. Yup! Something of a double-edged sword, that one. We have anecdotal evidence that it\'s a good stick to use, and that it has durability/longevity issues.
  17. Mind if I quote you on that in the header post? Was it the Saitek or CH...or something else?
  18. If that cool DYJ camera mod comes out, we\'re going to need more than F7 and F8 to control all the feeds....we\'ll need virtual TV production studios to handle the insane number of cameras some folks will deploy!
  19. Are there any experiences with the CH or Saitek flight yokes (civil aviation style)?
  20. It\'s a bit small to attach much to. Even the big truck is a bit tiny for some purposes. Looking forward to the first electromagnet attachment, it\'ll be smaller than the (necessarily) huge claw!
  21. What are the three main thrusters? Put a big one on the central hull and small ones on the nacelles to balance the thrust. The Aerospike has the most thrust, then the \'40\', then the gimbal \'35\', and lastly the teeny lander thruster. Use more stages if necessary, with your doppelganger setup on top, to get it up there with more fuel left. Could you use fuel half-tanks instead of all those SAS modules? Moving the command module would change the order the tanks drain - use a MkI cockpit in the \'disc\' section (where the Enterprise bridge is!) and replace the current one with a ramjet intake for the deflector array. By my reckoning, this would mean the lower section would drain of fuel first, solving the nose-down thrust behaviour.
  22. This reminds me of this classic QI moment (if you don\'t live in the UK, QI is a comedy quiz show): ]How many moons does earth have? - Qi - BBC
  23. I was watching one of his \'forcing my wife to play KSP\' videos - she had been up 18 hours, was utterly exhausted, wanted to \'go home\', and yet he was burning any brownie points (favours) he might have with her to make a video for Youtube. How I laughed....
  24. I hope you don\'t mind if I keep your comment in the \'Not Recommended\' section - if you aren\'t familiar with the phrase, this is what is known as \'damned by faint praise\'
  25. Thanks khyron42, I\'ve added this review to the first post, along with some links to various snippets of info across the forums.
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