Here is my main munar craft that I use for most Mun missions. It has 4 SRBs to use, and has 2 main engine stages. Near the top there is a stage with MechJeb, RCS and SAS. The rocket is fairly stable in flight if RCS is enabled, but can be pretty wobbly on the launch pad. It tends to fall apart if left alone for too long. Luckily, this has never happened during flight. It isn\'t meant for a Mun landing, as it has no landing legs, but if you are quite skilled (or used mechjeb to see if it can land, like me) then you can land it. You can also throw a few landing legs on the last liquid engine stage and it works fine It doesn\'t have a very good capacity for adding extra things (It was originally intended as a light orbiter to test various manuvers, but then I realised I could fly it to the Mun.) Kerbinrise from the Mun. Ship is attached to the message Required parts NovaPunch pack Stock parts MechJeb