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  1. The atmospheric density provides a bunch of friction to slow it down, so Parachutes work really well.
  2. Well, as many of you probably know, Eve is the easiest planet to land on. It is a similar size to Kerbin, so the gravity is roughly the same. However, due to it's atmosphere being composed of different gases than Kerbin's, it has a much denser and larger atmosphere, which makes it very easy to land on, as there is a very significant amount of air resistance, however, it also makes it excruciatingly difficult to take off from, as the atmosphere is 5 times as dense as Kerbin's which means it takes 5 times the fuel to lift off of Eve as it does to lift off of Kerbin. So, my question is, can anybody make a ship (without mods) that can go orbit around Kerbin a few times, then leave for Eve, land on Eve, and get into orbit around Eve, only to return back to and land on Kerbin? If yes, please post pics here, because it would be amazing to see. So yeah! If anybody's up to the challenge, then post here and attempt it.
  3. Hello guys, and considering the fact that you now get random crewmembers, I haven\'t got Jeb in a while. Is he still as criminally insane as he used to be? Or did they tone it down? I\'m saying this because all of the Kerbals seem to act the same now, but then again, as I just said, I haven\'t had Jeb in a while.
  4. Hello people, I have run into a dilemma; I had a Kerbal orbiting Kerbin while in his EVA suit, right? So I make an orbiting craft with ladders for him to grab onto in an attempt to get him down. During the mundane activity of waiting for their orbits to catch up, the pilot of the ship stepped out for a spacewalk. When I got the pilot back in the Kerbal I was searching for had disappeared! Now, I know there is a limit to objects, but those were my only 2 current flights! Is there a limit for the amount of Kerbils that can be in Kerbin\'s orbit or something?
  5. Thank you so much! Jeez, I was starting to worry. xD
  6. A glowing planet would be pretty cool. But I\'m not so sure about the Avatar planet. Even if they did put it in, KSP\'s a physics-based game right? That would make for some weird gravitational pull. The only way I can see that planet being physically possible is tens of thousands of tiny floating mounds of land all orbiting around a huge central mass. That would be rather hard to script, and would push the game to its limits of CPU usage, considering all of the orbiting it needs to account for.
  7. Hello people, I\'m not sure where this topic belongs, but it (sorta) has to do with KSP, so I\' putting it here. Anyway, I\'ve been faced with a dilemma. A day or two ago, I got an email from the KSP store saying that KSP\'s price will increase, so buy it soon! The problem is, I\'ve already purchased the full version of KSP. Did everybody get this? Or should I be worried? Anyways, thanks! ~Lazer
  8. Did ya try it yet? Sorry, I still haven\'t attempted it... O___o
  9. Yeah, I couldn\'t come up with anything right now. I was too busy workin\' on mah Mun orbit.
  10. Hahaha, anyways guys, hows about we all try to build the perfect ship for search-and-rescue missions? I can make ships, but not fly them, I\'m not talented enough to park a ship on top of a CM and pick it up.
  11. No you can invert the Command Pod, I\'ve done it before.
  12. Well first of all, would you use a ship with the claw on top to grab it from orbit? That might work, and a ship with the claw on top *MIGHT* be able to get a CM off of the Munar surface, because of the rotating parts feature, we simply need a pair of upside-down engines with just enough fuel to grab the little bugger! Then the ship flips right side up and continues its journey to Kerbin.
  13. Well boys, the objective of this challenge is to fly a small ship, with just enough fuel to land on the Mun, to land on the Mun, then, you take a large ship with a claw (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12633.msg197146;boardseen#new), to pick it up and take it to Minmus, where the large ship will then return to Kerbin. Pretty simple, right? Until you realize that this is a VANILLA challenge, which means NO mods or addons, NO custom parts. Anyways, I still havent figured out how to do this, but I\'m sure the KSP community will! If you complete/attempt it, please take screenshots of your journey and post them here! Thanks, ~Lazer
  14. Then we pull the chut at the beginning so it stays at a constant speed! Jk, maybe one that decellerates using rockets, and drops it at a height that the CM could fall from and not explode, then flies over a little and pulls its chute. And, what\'s the difference between one in orbit and one not in orbit? Like, why would the claw be more effective de-orbiting a CM than just bringing it back to Kerbin?
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