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Everything posted by Katratszi

  1. Well I figured out how to add parts and move parts relative to the ship in flight. But I have one huge bug that I can\'t seem to figure out. For whatever reason the current stage of the cloned vessel doesn\'t work -- as in all the parts are in the idle state. If you activate the next stage everything is fine. If you force_activate() the parts in the current stage, they all switch to deactivated for some reason. Looking at the persistent.sfs file, the cloned ship\'s last stage\'s parts all have a state value of 0 (idle). But the ProtoPart\'s all have the correct state values. I also tried running the vessel\'s ClearStaging() and ResumeStaging() methods, those did not help. I can confirm that manually editing the persistent file so the state = 1 (active) switches those parts back on when switching to the vessel. So now its a matter of figuring out why vessel\'s part\'s serialize with the idle state... Anyone have any ideas? Also, anyone know how to programatically switch vessels?
  2. Look in to the new PartModule system. PartModules are essentially plugins that you can assign to a Part through it\'s CFG file. A Part can then have any number of PartModules: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=11734.0
  3. Well, there\'s no way to \'bypass\' a readonly property per say. Once a field/property has been marked readonly the CLR will enforce that restriction. You will need to find another class/object to modify to get the same end result.
  4. You\'ll probably need to change the orbit before loading the new vessel, check ProtoVessel.orbitSnapShot You may want to look at Vessel.orbitDriver as well. Also, just in case you didn\'t know, EVA\'s look to be the main feature of 0.16 which will probably be out in another 4-6 weeks.
  5. I\'ve been working on this for the last day or so. I\'m taking a stab at docking. Just had my first bit of success: //Target is the target Vessel to clone ProtoVessel vesselClone = new ProtoVessel(target); /* *Note: It appears to create a snapshot of the target\'s orbital parameters, *and since it takes a non-zero amount of time to load the new vessel, it *always ends trailing the target if you\'re in orbit. */ vesselClone.Load(); The target is the vessel to the far right, the center vessel is the one with my test part, and the clones (and their debris) are to the left. Now to figure out how to modify the parts on the vessel. I imagine the secret lies somewhere ProtoVessel\'s description of the target Vessel.
  6. This is how I envisioned docking. Quite literally the two ships become one and the other goes poof, temporarily. Of course to make this work well, the entire contents of the previous vessel need to be serialized to disk somewhere or else it might be tricky to rebuild the vessel -- crew et al. However I think this can be accomplished with the new PartModule/IConfigNode system in 0.15, I might have to give it a shot sometime.
  7. Ka Aerospace This first release is a re-implementation of the standard Liquid Engine, with some new features, using the 0.15+ Part Module system. It also contains a new propellant tank which uses the new 0.15+ Resources system. Features: [li]BiPropellant Engines defining an Oxidizer and Fuel[/li] [li]Propellant Tanks - Can hold both Oxidizer and Fuel, or separate tanks which can hold either oxidizer or fuel.[/li] [li]Fuel Consumption determined by Specific Impulse and Thrust[/li] [li]Thrust which varies by altitude[/li] [li]Specific Impulse which varies by altitude[/li] [li]Ability to toggle shutdown rockets[/li] [li]partName - Display name on right click menu[/li] [li]fuelName - Fuel resourceName to consume[/li] [li]oxidizerName - Oxidizer resourceName to consume[/li] [li]specificImpulseSeaLevel - Specific Impulse at Sea Level[/li] [li]specificImpulseVacuum - Specific Impulse in Vacuum[/li] [li]oxidizerRatio - Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio[/li] [li]thrustSeaLevel - Max Thrust at Sea Level[/li] [li]thrustVacuum - Max Thrust in Vacuum[/li] [li]canGimbal - Can this engine gimbal? Values: 0 (Yes) or 1 (No), sorry this is an ugly work around for a problem with bool KSPFields not serializing correctly... [/li] [li]gimbalRange - Range the engine can gimbal[/li] [li]heatProduction - Amount of heat produced by the engine[/li] [li]splashMultiplier - Fudge value for heat radiation[/li] [li]useInternalFuelOnly - Engine will only use internal fuel, not implemented. Values: 0 (Yes) or 1 (No), sorry this is an ugly work around for a problem with bool KSPFields not serializing correctly...[/li] [li]isThrottleable - The engine can be throttled? Values: 0 (Yes) or 1 (No), sorry this is an ugly work around for a problem with bool KSPFields not serializing correctly...[/li] [li]minThrottle - Minimal throttle amount (0 to 1.0)[/li] [li]Not fully compatible with MechJeb. This is mostly due to MechJeb not knowing how to handle PartModules yet. I propose an IEngine interface that PartModules can implement to help MechJeb et al know a certain PartModule is an engine.[/li] [li]Occasionally there seems to be issues with packing/unpacking the modules, but I can\'t find any clear reason why.[/li] [li]Initial Release (6/18/2012) - v0.01: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/86310799/KaAerospace/Release/KaAerospace_tanksNrockets_001.zip[/li] [li]Initial Release (6/18/2012) - v0.01: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/86310799/KaAerospace/SourceCode/001/001.rar[/li] [li]Bug Fixes! -- Help me find the damn things and squash-em![/li] [li]LACE / SABRE like Rockets[/li] [li]Build-a-Rocketâ„¢ -- Assemble a rocket engine from different parts: Turbopumps, Nozzle, Frames, Propellants, and Cycle all shape the final look and parameters of an engine.[/li] Note: this is a very early release, and the code is ugly in places. But I\'ll continue to update it and I hope it proves useful to someone.
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