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Everything posted by glugg23

  1. I really like your design Ziff, but what sort of launch vehicle should I use?
  2. How do I build a good three man lander? I also find it hard where to put RCS fuel and ASAS. The only mod I am using is MechJeb. Some advise would be nice.
  3. In the KSP 0.17 Update thread, It does not even say that multiplayer will be coming in 0.17. I think that multiplayer will be coming much later on.
  4. I was wondering what IVAS would be used for? Post any thoughts/ideas you might have about them.
  5. What mods did you use to make this?
  6. I definitely know my first EVA will be a space walk with Jebediah Kerman.
  7. Before I bought the game (0.13) I understood how the orbit marker things worked, but now that I have the full game (0.15), they have changed and I do not know how to use them. So could someone please explain to me how they work.
  8. My first attempt to land on the Mun was a total failure/win, it is now orbiting the Sun 8)
  9. This is a really good rocket, I used it to try and land on the Mun, I failed and now you\'re rocket is orbiting the Sun!
  10. I need help making a good stock 0.13 Munar orbiter (I have not yet bought the full game ), that can get to the Mun and back. My last design did not have enough fuel. Any ideas (preferably with a .craft file ) would be nice.
  11. Could someone help me make a rocket that can orbit the Mun? It has to be made in 0.13 because I have not bought the full game yet. I have tried many times to get into orbit, but they have always failed. > :( Also some help for orbiting tricks would be nice to.
  12. glugg23


    Hello I am (quite) new to KSP and very new to the forums.
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