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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Within this board you can post all videos and streams about KSP. Ideally, the stream or video should be your creation. However, if it's not, do make sure that everyone is aware of that fact. Happy Streaming!
  2. Ted

    Space oddity

    Nice video, but this is better suited to Off-Topic. Moved there.
  3. Remember guys, reaction images aren't permitted on the Forums. We're not an image board.
  4. The Forum won't crash as it's not even on the same server as the Store. It hasn't been for a fair few releases, actually.
  5. Please do keep in mind that when developing Add-Ons that Linux-based operating systems have filepaths that are case-sensitive. Essentially, this means that the following filepaths are treated differently: /media/foo /media/Foo Thus, if you're referencing a file with "foo", but it's actually in "Foo", the user will encounter errors. Additionally, remember that KSP.IO uses the lowercase name of your class to access files, so if you're distributing a folder with assets in and it is named in a format such as CamelCase, then KSP.IO will simply create a new folder and pay no attention to the other one. This is easy to get around by either manually creating the lowercase folder or letting KSP.IO create it and then packaging it all. Thanks!
  6. I can see where you are coming from, hiring modders can lead to Add-Ons being discontinued. As others have said, that content - or similar works - does end up being in the game. However, another benefit is that other modders will now work to fill the gap left and thus we get new content and the modding scene is further away from stagnating, than it may have been.
  7. This thread had little relevance and somehow has only ended up with less. Thread closed.
  8. I find that splitting the docking process up into individual tasks can be a massive help. I do the following: Establish a similar orbit to my target craft. Get within <5km using manoeuvre nodes and setting the other craft as a target. Make sure the orbits are as similar as they can be. Zero out any relative velocity between you and your target craft. (Optional) Do small burns/nudges toward your target craft and wait. Don't burn too much as you will have to cancel out this velocity. Cancel out the velocity when you arrive near your craft. Now just nudge yourself slowly toward the port and you're there! The list is pretty oversimplified, but as long as you're cool-headed throughout; it should be too difficult. The worst thing to do when docking is to get annoyed. Edit: It seems Fractal has provided a much better set of instructions than me, make sure to give them a read!
  9. Apologies for that, it's simply an anti-spam measure that we employ. It should cease once you have 3 posts or greater. Congrats on recovering your station, by the way.
  10. The latter two questions are well answered by Sir Nahme. However, the first one could be speculated upon further. I would imagine that as long as you have proof of purchase for your copy of KSP, you should be eligible for any expansions that may come out.
  11. I still have all versions up to 0.13.3 as well as the screenshots alongside. Although, I think the screenshots probably need a fair bit of organisation..
  12. I wouldn't give up just because you're not great on the building of rockets. Try your hand at building planes - it's what I do mostly. Also, as many have suggested in this thread, give the YouTube videos a gander; they're massively helpful.
  13. Ted

    Comic Sans

    This is more suited to Off-Topic. Moved there.
  14. This thread is in the wrong board - The Science Labs is for discussion of Off-Topic 'intellectual' topics as opposed to KSP - and it is also lacking on content. I'll close this thread, but feel free to recreate a better thread on the appropriate board.
  15. A nice video that Damion just uploaded. Worth a watch just for the good SSTO design
  16. This thread is more suited to Off-Topic. General Discussion is only for KSP-related discussion. Thread moved.
  17. I wouldn't say that it is definitively ugly, but it's definitely different looking and the lack of fins makes it look a tad odd. Then again, I don't think they design rockets to be aesthetically pleasing.
  18. This thread is best suited to the How-To Board, please create such threads there in the future. I've moved this one there for now. Thanks.
  19. Capt'n Skunky and Damion Rayne are employed by Squad. I have no idea about the status of KSP TV or KSP Weekly, but as we're all very busy here getting the Forums back in order, I wouldn't hold your breath.
  20. Hey guys, this thread is now closed as it's become pretty gigantic and difficult to navigate. Feel free to post your awesome images here.
  21. Indeed, we knew. Just stay on the fun side this time and all will be good. Welcome Back.
  22. As SalmonellaDingDong has pointed out, this thread-type already exists. Thread locked. Good idea nonetheless!
  23. Accounts created after October are not present, so those ones will need to be remade. It is being worked on.
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