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Everything posted by Martonaut

  1. Ive been playing with modding for about 2 weeks now, I started with cylinders that i called fuel tanks, and cubes that i called engines, then jumped into actual modeling, even tho its not the first time I use blender, I never did anything by myself, i just followed tutorials to learn the program, then i just quit , i still remember some stuff of those tutorials and manage to move around blender pretty ok, even tho i probably work in a relay inefficient way. so after doing a couple of parts that looked decent, and capsules with working interiors I just was not satisfied with what i was doing, My parts felt somewhat random, and had no real direction; so I started from scratch, trying to plan something that would be functional and looks cool . so I got a very vague idea of what I what to do , but I know I want a bit of sci-fi , so I started to play with blender, just to try to figure something out on the run. its took a long time just to get to this point, and i still feel it needs to be polished but i wanted to see what you guys think XD
  2. woot? what you mean if they are protected.. they are still on the .mu or im wrong?
  3. the Airlock dont need to be real (on the model) you just need to add it on unity, ... the parttools works with any unity? i have the free one. a guy made a tutorial on doing interals, he also attached a unity file, you can see there how to do it, i also learn from that proyect how to add ladders and airlocks
  4. ah so you just made the huge fuel tank. well maybe what you need is more 5m fuel tanks!
  5. looking good m8, I did not understand what you mean with the internal and unity?, you want to model it there?
  6. looking realy nice, im wondering if you plan to add the cargo bay? and how will you do the engien go from atmospheric to space one? XD
  7. XD np, enjoy, if enybody does something with them id love to see it XD
  8. you got some skills Mr. am... can i have the kerbal model? plz? plz? plz? XD it would make things much esier on design
  9. tyvm! now im getting it, this will make things a lot esier, I was doing it by trail and error <3 yall
  10. that would be me... 2 minutes later.. Ok after reading it a couple more times.. I got some questions. If i would export something in blender that has the "front" pointing the wrong way, and I flip it in unity, will it still put the nods on the axis of the mesh? (i hope i made myself clear on that one) and is there an easy way to copy/past coordinates from blender to the config file? , i mean like if i want it to be on the top of a model, can I meshure the units from the origin to the top in blender, and just write them on the cfg?
  11. no sabemos ni cuando sale el beta , dales tiempo XD, mientras compra la alpha y t ahorras para cuando salga completo XD. GTA-man, me pase a ver unos videos, me parecio extraño el noticiero de fondo
  12. ive heard this song many times before , but never realy listen to the lyrics utill now , great video
  13. you made the huge engiens and firerings for this aswell? its looking amazing, cant wait to play with it XD
  14. ello, and welcome! Xd, you install mod by draging the parts you unzip into your ksp folder, you can find more information on the addon section XD
  15. oh wao, did not expect to had that kind of response, I honestly thought it was kinda ugly , im glad you guys liked it. Unfortunately i don't think only a texture will cut it for this one, it probably need a re-size, and polish on the mesh cuz in render it looks odd. While I was uploading I found the "beta" of the protect, with a similar design for the capsule, with better mesh and some interior props (not really accurate for kerbals thou) I will edit the original post with the the links for download. I Had send them to The destroyer already, but I think there is no problem on just making them public, and maybe some day they will see the light in game .
  16. kk ill upload and pm you in a minute.
  17. so I was playing with blender and made this 2 man capsule, it has no texture, and the mesh may be badly worked, iI wont continue this part. I got entreteind with some other proyect. so anybody wants the blender file? also the "beta" for that one with similar design and some interior stuff. first second feel free 2 used them as you wish (if you publish lil credit would be nice )
  18. took me some time find that .. was making my nerva burns on x1 .. o so painfull
  19. Hola amigos! .. I been on the international forums, but just in the spanish, i dont feel like translating on google all the stuff in there
  20. well, I was making a ship, used the drop thingy, but i did not wanted it to be attached from the sides like a fuel tank, but from the top like a cargo conteiner in a crane. I mean , one more nod, more options for designs.. just saying..
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